Saturday, January 31, 2015


Shared by HaNeul @ H1ME

DAY 31
Wooow it's the last day! Time flies. Except when we have school. I'm never stopping my pure hatred for school, just so y'all know. 

Today, I actually did something! I woke up at 9AM and went to IKEA! :D Then I went to Archambault (a book store) and EB Games!
It's almost my friend's birthday, so I got her a 3DS game :]
I've had this really, horribly shaky desk for years. And I thought it was time for a change. (Srsly, it would piss me off.)

My brother and I built it and yeah. It was super fun! (I really like building things.)

This desk was roughly 170$ together. The top part was 50$ and the desk itself was 100$. Then you add up with the tax and yeah. I really, really love this desk because it's small, yet I can fit so many things. Seriously. SO. MANY. THINGS. 

My room is originally very small, so I need furniture that saves space, but can carry a lot. This desk fits the requirements. So yep. 

It's my baby from now on. 

I can store so many things now, without piling them up :'D 

From behind my bro to the closet to the right is the space of my room. Ya see? My room is small.

I bought two books for school, and one just for myself. I think Stephen King's my new favorite author *^*
My bro got himself the remix of KH 2.5 xD

The book behind those three is my brother's. 

Also. I was heating some food and then I spotted a human outside. 

But yeah. Hmm...that's it for my every day of January. I put some effort to take some pics today, so yeah. I apologize for never caring, but that's how I roll. I just never care. Either that, or I end up caring too much. And here's my recent video.

Have a nice day! Or night. :] 

And that's a wrap. See ya next time.

DAY 30

I've given up on math guys. Literally. I am done. I'm out. 

Like. Bye. Just. No, thanks. I'm good. *sigh* 

It sucks because when I don't try, I get bad grades. Then when I try, I get even worse grades. 

What do you want me to do? Like I started with no motivation.'s just even worse. I'm literally so done I might just spend the weekend gaming and not even study at all. 

School really sucks. They always say things like how much they're doing for your sake. But then you're struggling and they don't even care. 

Why are we even students. We pay to educate ourselves so we can pay in the future. We pay just so we get paid. And then we use it to pay. Who in the world invented money? 

Lemme go kill that poopface. Why does the world revolve around money. It sucks ;-;

DAY 29
Woah. It's my brother's birthday today. Damn. HE'S OLD NOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah. 

School was pretty relax today. I spent most of the time listening to music. Most of our periods were preparoty periods for exams, so the teachers let us do our exercices for our upcoming exams.

I already know I'm failing math this semester, no matter what. Well, I'll catch up next time because it'll count for more. 

I'm really not sure what I want to become. I should figure that out soon so I can motivate myself to try hard for school...

'Cause I'm not naturally smart. At all. 

Also I'm halfway down arranging Warriors! :D 

Hmmm....yeah. I think I'm off to bed...? I'm kinda tired... but at the same time I feel like I should do something. 


DAY 28
Hello peeps! I did pretty good in my music exam today! :] usual, school was ew. (It always is...)

I have so many homework...but not enough time .-.

I finished some, but really. I need sleep, okay. I'm sorry homework but y'all need to calm yo tits 'cause students need sleep too. 

Next week we have a packed monday full of exams. Yay. 

Also. Erika got me a new phone case! :D There's owls on it!

I'll consider it as my early birthday gift so thank you again~ ♡

Also I'm currently finishing my music text and I really need sleep but oh well. 

It's due for friday, but I don't have time friday so meh. 

DAY 27
WHAAZHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA- urgh. I had a really, painful stomach ache today at school to the point where I broke down into a cold sweat and I was shaking. I thought about giving my mom a call to bring me back home, but I didn't. I managed to survive, but I feel like I'm coming down with a fever or something. 

My friends were worried about me, but good thing I survived B]

Yep I've completely given up on taking pictures. In anyways, I don't have any pictures to share...

I have a music exam tomorrow...then friday I have an english oral and I have to give in my music assignment. 

My body is literally functionning out of pure adrenaline. I feel like the second I take a break I'll collapse. (I wish.) 

I got home and made myself some scrambled eggs because I was hungry. 

Also my mom thinks we need water to breathe. (We're not fishes mom...)

There's gonna be new skins for the new League patch and I'm so excited!! The new Ashe skin is SO NICE. And it's 750RP which I'm kind surprised because it's a totally different look. 

But yeah. Gonna be awesome B)

DAY 26
Okay so I updated earlier and now Erika tells me to do my every day. So apparently it pooped up. And now it's 10:30PM and I just want to go to bed because this girl lacks sleep. Real time. 

So this is going to be really short because idc xD

School was poop duh. 

Everything was boring and my neighbours are being hella noisy right now. 

They are the noisiest neighbours I've ever had and I swear one day I will literally just freaking slap them. 

They. Are. So. Annoying. 

Like plz for god's sake just shut up. Stop your talking. Just stop. Don't do that. Stahp it. 

K bye I'm tired.

DAY 25
We have school tomorrow ;-; I have a play to do...first period in the morning. *shoots self*

I slept in, compared to the other days. I guess I was just really, freaking exhausted. I woke up at around 12:40PM and ate some food. 

Then my mom dragged me to go buy a new pair of boots because she was ashamed of my other ones. Saying they looked so old and stuff, I don't know. 

But yh. I got new boots. Yay...?

Hmm...I practiced my play. 

That's it. 

I didn't do my text for history or music. I sincerely do not care.

School has put me into such a...desperate life that I just...nope. 

Also, I've been breaking out really badly these days. I guess it's all of the stress that's constantly building up and never actually going down.

I'm not sure what I want to be in the future...and it kind of sucks because it's because of that that I'm not putting any effort. (At least, not enough effort for "an asian.") 

....I don't really want to do anything in the future. I kind of just want to live life. Do stuff. 

I don't want to live working for others or work my butt off just to live. Does that make sense? 

Okay, enough of whatever deep things I'm saying. 

The month is ending so whoopdy-doo. No more of this! (because I suck at it)

Next time I can get some rest and relax will be in march! At our March break! (That sure is great.)

DAY 24
Whoo! The end of the month is approaching and boy am I glad ;-; 

Doing every day is hard. Especially since I do a lot of other things. 

Also I think my bro and his friends are drunk...

And I'm kinda scared....

They're really loud... ;-;

Really, really, really loud. 

Also I didn't do anything except game. Honestly, I don't even care. 

I spent the day Leaguing and....yeah. 

I also made myself some hot choco and just listened to some creepypasta. Had my mug in my hands and a blanket. It felt nice. 

I like to just relax and listen to stories. It really calms me down. 

Although creepypastas aren't really supposed to "calm you down" if you know what I mean xD

I'll have to put up a video soon...maybe. 

Kinda? I don't know o_O

It's 11:10 PM and I think I'll practice a bit of guitar then go to sleep. 

DAY 23
Hey guys! 

Today we didn't have schoooool yaaaay we did iiittt whoopdy dooooooo (/o_o)/~~☆

I planned on working on my essay for music.....but whoops...

My bro got me the strings for my guitar and I started arranging Warriors! :D

Arranging songs has kinda started being a hobby...I don't's fun! :]


Today. I would like to highlight that I got a pentakill. Y'know. It's not my first time getting one, but I always end up so shocked. 

I did the thing guys. I did the instant pentakill with Katarina. I did it. 
Y'knoow. The thing kinda like:

Except mine was instant. Like. Legit. 

One figure-snap. Everyone is dead. Men...Kat is op. 

I did it. And it was super, duper awesome. Really freaking cool. 

All my teammates honored me and I felt so op. :'D

It happened so fast. I'm really disappointed that I didn't record it :[

It was my first game today so I didn't expect it to turn well...but then just. Boom. 


I was so done. I just froze there while everyone was like: 

I just- I'm so happy.

*coughs* MOVING ON. 

I ate some pasta today. And mt dad decided to use a spoon. ...yeah. 

Also made myself some smoothies. (I really love smoothies.)

Also it's 11:53PM. So...I should hurry and finish this before 12:00AM. 

BUT YEAH. I spent the night gaming with some buddies. 

Tomorrow, my brother is celebrating his birthday. 

Whoopdy-doo. Staying in my room 'cause this girl ain't gonna talk to no friends. 


Also school is really going to make me go bald. 

DAY 22


Hi :] 

I'm actually still quite tired ;-; 
Hmm....I had two exams. Science and music. Science went pretty well, music was meh. I messed up some parts and lost some points, but overall my grade was still good. 

I have 2 essays to write... one due for Monday and the other one for Friday. One counts for 10% and the other one...I have no idea but I have to write 500 words. 

I'm drop-dead tired and I really don't know what to do :[ 

I also have a play to learn for Monday and an oral Friday. ..I also have another music exam. 

Life as a student is really hard guys. It hasn't even been a month since school restarted... D: 

I really will end up bald. 

Also...I spent the night gaming and recording, just so I could upload something soon, since I've been inactive for a while. My apologies ^^" 

I was planning on arranging Warriors by Imagine Dragons, but the second string of my guitar broke v.v

DAY 21
Guys I forgot to do my every day and Ling reminded me and now I'm on my phone and I'm sorry and I apologize in advance if there's going to be any typos.

I can't believe I can actually do it on my phone this is so cool B]

Kinda spent the day raging at math because we had an exam and I was just really stressed out. 

See. When you learn a subject in math, your exam should be on that subject, right? Oh. No, sorry. There's actually going to be questions with theory that we've learned like maybe a month ago. Y'know. Because as students, we don't just study the subject for the exam. Oooh pffft obviously not pfft. We alsp study all the other theories we've learned before that shouldn't be on the test!! :D

Do you see my pain? We learn one thing. But they give us questions about two things. 

Please. Do you want your students to go bald. 

I will sue our school one day. Yep. 

School sucks. 

I hate school.

Also I have two exams tomorrow. 

So...I really, really hate school.


DAY 20
Damn it's already been 20 days...time sure flies. Currently studying for my math exam D:

I got home and made myself a cup of hot chocolate again. 
My dad brought back some snacks from his business trips! :D

I like listening to Cry Reads while studying or doing my homework.
I don't know...Cry's voice kind of makes me relax and I can concentrate. 

After math exam, two more exams to go.

I think I'll survive xD

Also I really like Creepypasta. 

DAY 19
Herrow~! I almost took a nap, but I ended not taking one... I got home and made myself some hot chocolate and a cheese sandwich. 

I accidentally burnt one side because I was multitasking and forgot to flip it. Whoopsies. 

My mom screamed at me for having a cup on my desk. ;-;
I got hit, but I just continued to study while listening to some anime OSTs XD

I've been jamming to Special Illusion by Fran...Reborn...ah...the memories :']

Cool story: The new friend I met is a fan of BTS and GOT7 and he likes Jackson!!! :DDDD

It's 9PM right now and I just finished studying for my English exam. Erika already did it, but I heard it's pretty easy so no sweat. (I hope.) 

I have a math exam Wednesday and a science and music exam Thursday. 

Aaaand no school Friday! :D

I'm still craving for jjajangmyeon. 

DAY 18 tomorrow D: But we have a day-off friday! 

I pretty much spent the day Leaguing... Made myself some tea as usual, and yep. Didn't eat much either... Hmmm....I also did my homework! :D 

I've been very lazy these days, thus the lack of photos. My apologies ^^" 

I have 4 exams this week, so yeah. I'll need to put some effort. 

At least, I'll try haha

DAY 17 H1ME were supposed to have a meeting. But I was too lazy, so I stayed home and gamed. Hmm....I woke up at 9:30AM, then I fell back asleep. Then I woke up at 12:35PM. I got up and washed up and treated myself with a cupcake and a piece of cake as a reward for waking up. Biggest achievement of the day. 

Then I just went on League of Legends and gamed for ~9 hours. I met a new friend! :D
Also, something happened to our heater so it was really cold, except for me... Apparently, the heater thing exploded. We got it repaired later on, but I had to survive with no electricity for ~30 mins. 

In case you didn't know, I'm achluophobic. Meaning I am scared of the dark. So, I wrapped myself in my blanket with two flashlights and did nothing. I just sat there. It was scary. 

I kind of didn't eat the whole day. I didn't really have a proper meal ^^" 
Except for the cupcake and cake, I ate a little bit of noodles. But I drank a lot of tea...? :D

I also practice guitar, but meh. 

After Leaguing, I went in another skype call and played Attack on Titan with some friends. Some of them are the same people I League with, but pffft. 

I haven't done any school-related things, but yeah. 

It's 11:12PM right now, goodnight! :]

DAY 16
IT'S FRIDAY! :D I had gym for last period and we played football and it was so fun! home and my mom was working so she came home late. And I was home alone and just practice guitar! I cut myself some apples and started watching SAO!

Currently playing Cards Against Humanity, like always :] Friday night is kinda like our late night crew game night xD

It's hilarious.

We're all laughing so hard, it's the best :'D Really good for bonding with friends / killing friendship.

Tomorrow H1ME are supposed to hang out, but I can't go so poops :[ 

DAY 15
It's friday tomorrow! Wheehee :D Finally. I. Need. Sleep. I need sleep so bad.

Also I finished Tokyo Ghoul. 

...two days. 

Two days guys. (not even.) BUT STILL. URGH. 
Just started season 2, but don't really want to go far because I absolutely hate waiting for animes. 

That's mostly why I'm usually late on animes. I tend to wait until it's done because no. Just- No. I hate cliffhangers y'know. Really hate it. 

Also I did all my homework and I'm really proud of myself. 

And my brother isn't even in school yet. =_=

Currently chatting with friends about an assignment and yeah. I'm going to go to bed and maybe watch an anime. Wonder what I should watch. 

Maybe I should finally start SAO. ...maybe. 

DAY 14
...updating about my life every day is hard. ;-; 
I had a french and music exam today. Went pretty good B] 

Didn't eat with my friends at lunch because I had music so poops. Oh well. 
My mom drove me home today and hmm...the usual, I guess. I grabbed a snack and just watched some videos. 

Then I skyped with some friends to discuss about a project that's coming soon and now it's almost 9:30PM. I'm taking my time because my parents aren't home, for who-knows-what reason. 

Not my fault my headphones are always on. 

Apparently my dad is leaving for Costa Rica or somewhere tomorrow. Some business trip, I guess. 
Wish it was my mom XD

I don't have any exams until next week so yesssh. But I have lots of assignments. 
-Music composition to do
-French play to learn
-Music text of ~500 words to write
-History text to write 

I have an english exam coming soon, a math exam and another music exam. I'll be having music exams every week for quite some time. 

And yeah. School, school, school. Very boring I know. 

Also I've started watching Tokyo Ghoul (finally) and oh man the gore is awesome.

Also I've been drawing a lot more creepy, yandere faces. I don't know, it's cool. 
And also, I don't get nightmares from gore or creepy stuff like that. My nightmares are just trauma. They're not the typical I'm-getting-killed or someone-is-hunting-me kind of nightmares. 

Hope you'll understand friend of mine. (that's not reading this but felt like putting this out there because sometimes it just sucks when people assume things too fast without even knowing.)

I'm really tired now, so I'll go sleep.

DAY 13
Who's the one who keeps forgetting to update her every day? :D 

Then again, I don't have much to update y'all about...

The laboratory experience/test was a lot easier than I expected. Really easier. But yeah...we have a bunch of assignments and I have a play to learn for french...
(just putting it out there: I'm really not good at acting.)

Most of the assignments are due in late January so it's okay. We randomnly have a day off next friday because it's our school's 60th year anniversary! (or something like that)

Our school's pretty old. Founded in 1955 I think. (daz some old stuff bruh)

In short, I get back home and snack on something while watching some videos. ...I do nothing I know. But I'm okay with it. 

Also, I've decided to take better care of my hair. I used to only shampoo and sometimes would skip conditioning because I didn't want to waste time/water. But I realized how smoother my hair damn. (Sorry, hair.)

No pictures recently because I have nothing to show. (Sorry, again.)

Goodnight! I'm off to bed to..."sleep."

DAY 12
I just wanted to apologize for the slightly rushed update yesterday, I hope that doesn't happen again. (I hope.)

I think I totally screwed up my quiz today xD I have a "test" that counts for 60% tomorrow and I haven't started studying yet. But. It's not really something you can study, it's a laboratory experience so...yeah... I only need to understand what I need to do, I guess. 

School was okay. Did nothing as usual. We finished watching a movie in french class and let me tell you on thing. 

I can't even feel what I'm feeling. Like. Wha-

Guys. That movie is shocking. 

If anyone is interested in it, it's a french movie called "Incendies." 

RIP my heart ;-; 

Also I've been craving for savory foods these days, but there's nothing to eat at home. 

Also I haven't really done anything, kind of just sat there and...yep. I don't even do things. I just scroll around facebook and watch random videos. It's almost 8PM and I should really go shower. And study. 


DAY 11
I have school tomorrow... Ew. I legit have no motivation anymore. I genuinely don't even care if I fail this year...which is sad because this year is the most important year.

But I don't care. 

Anyways this is gonna be a short and quick post because it's currently 9:37PM and I should be sleeping but I kind of forgot about updating and whoops. 

I woke up and ate food :D 
And I spent the day watching Brother's Conflict. It's so cheesy, but I need my daily dose of feels so it's okay :] 
I also finished watching Gugure! Kokkuri-san (love this anime omg)

I think I spent most of the day walking around aimlessly. I found a hoola hoop and starting doing the hoola hoop. (I'm so bored help.)

I also ate some apples.

DAY 10
I have no idea when I woke up. 
...but I made myself some food B] And as usual, I made some tea hihi

Here's a beautiful sandwich and lots and lots of cabbage because I like cabbages. 

I take more pictures on weekends because I'm just at home so yep xD
I finished the painting for my friend :D
POROS! (Don't mind the angle, just that I wrote a little message on the side and signed my name so yeah...)

I gamed a bit today, but not much because I had chores and homework to do :/

I was cutting some strawberries to freeze them for smoothies and THEY WERE SO RIPE AND BEAUTIFUL I HAD TO TAKE PICTURES OF THEM OuO


Look at the sky!

Aaand I am currently playing Cards Against Humanity online with some friends :D

DAY 9 
Helloooo :D It's friday!! Woot woot! I have a lot of stuff to do...but shhhhhhhh 

I bought some games from a friend today and tonight I'm going to play Cards Against Humanity with some gaming buddies :] 

I had gym last period and we were playing Kinball and it was so epic and intense I was sweating so much! It was so fun! I love our team, we have the best teamwork so I had a really competitive spirit ^^" I really wanted us to win so I was such a tryhard xD AND WE WON. WE WON. >:D

Currently painting just to relax a bit..and yep...

My bro's friends came over and I'm just awkwardly here in my room trying to be as silent as possible ._. #HELP

Today's also very cold ;-; And there's still snow :] 

I have homework but I don't feel like doing it. I think I should...I- yeah, later. 

I got home and kind of just watched some random videos while drinking tea. (Guys I really don't do anything help)

Season 2 of Tokyo Ghoul is out! But I didn't even watch season 1 xD I haven't even finished watching Season 2 of Free! ;-;

Blood Moon Thresh and Blood Moon Elise is out! Also the Blood Moon icon and the bundle :D I bought Blood Moon Thresh :3 (It's so beautiful er mah gerdddd)

I felt like just...putting this out there. But in case you haven't heard, there's been a shooting in France. I don't really know anything about France, but it saddens me that 3 terrorists decided to shoot others for expressing their opinions. In short, this author drew a lot of caricatures that were quite offensive. The thing is...caricatures were always offending, but in a joking way. 
Now, I don't know much about these things, so I don't want to rant or anything. But yeah. 

My mom made some Pho for dinner today. S'good B]

I woke up at 6:30 as usual and stuff pffftt
When I got back home, I was freezing! It was so cold ;-; 
Snowstorm, rain, ice, ice and now snow. Thanks, Canada. 

Here are some pictures :D
Much snoooow.

Footprints when I got home xD

I got back home and made myself some tea because sheesh it was cold. Compared to Ling and Erika, I actually like the cold. Winter is my second favorite season (first is fall c:) but I hate it when it's windy because that's another story. 

But yeah, I like snow :] (I just don't like going out.)
So snowed quite a lot. I have some homework to do so I think I'll hurry up and do them...not sure. 

I ate pasta for dinner today. S'good B]

Hello! Whoo! Another day, done. Urgh, so tired.
Same thing, I woke up at 6:30AM and got ready for school. I took the bus home today and it was very cold. On my way home, I filmed me friend suffering on the ice :D

And as usual, just sippin' on some orange juice and watching Cry xD

Today, I decided to take some pictures. Only a few, because it was cold and I was hungry.
That's ice.

All ice.

So much snooow.



I am still cuddled up in my blanket hihi Just finished eating, so I'll be doing my homework. It's almost 6:30PM now, so I'll hurry and then shower. Aaaand maybe review my science assignment because there's a little evaluation tomorrow. (already...)

In science class, my friend and I were snapchatting each other LOL We have a permission in science and we're allowed to listen to music when we're working alone. But pffftttttt who only listens to music??? Amirite???? #rebel

I think I'm getting used to doing this. Or not. I'm not sure o.e
See ya! :D

Wassup!! First day of school. One word: ew.
I woke up at 6:30AM with a pounding headache and even now it's still throbbing. (It's currently 4:15PM) We didn't do much at school because it's the first day since last year, so y'know...gotta take it nice 'n slow. (Yeah okay our school doesn't do that.) Actually quite grateful because I wouldn't be able to concentrate because of the migraine ;-;

Started off the day with history, science, math then music. Then it was lunch and s'good because I haven't had lunch with my friends since last year. (Y'na mean? Hihi.) And finished with french.

There was a snowstorm I think two days ago, and then it rained and it was cold so today everything was slipperyyyy. Everyone was slippin' around and it was funny to watch them. (I was good -u-) 
See that path right there down the stairs? Yeah. It's ice. All ice.
The sidewalks near school. I'm too lazy to go outside and take some more pictures, sorry. 

I don't have any homework except for science because I forgot my theory book so I couldn't do my assignment. (Whoops.)
I was hoping I could come home and make myself some comfy food but my mom is home so I guess not today. :[
I think I'll take a nap to help my headache. (Most probably not because my mom won't let me...)
And then it'll be time to eat. Then I'll come back to my room and probably draw or watch Cry.
Then I'll shower and continue drawing or watching Cry. 
And then I'll go to sleep or read a book.

Currently just sippin' on some orange juice :]

And this routine repeats itself 5 days on 7... #interestinglife

It's cold outside so please make sure to wear warm clothes when you go out there! It's dangerous out there! It's the outernet, we never know! (For those that live in cold places.)

DAY 4 
Hello!! So today I did nothing :D (again) 
I woke up and ate some food and pretty much spent the day watching Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. I'm almost done, I have 2 episodes left! We're starting school tomorrow D: (ew.
I poured myself some orange juice and covered myself in a blanket (I made my own little fortress) and just watched Cry for quite some time. (I don't know how long LOL)

21239 hours later, I poured myself some chocolate milk and drew something for a friend while jamming to some music. (Yes I have broken headphones and need a headset, but no, I am not the one that ductaped it. It was my brother.) I have no plan on finishing this drawing today so...yep.
 Aaand I almost knocked my cup over woah that scared me. (it's the 4rth time today.)
I also found this charm that I bought ~2 years ago but never used it and thought it was pretty cute so I tied it on my new wallet (that I might never use because what.)

I planned on finishing the drawing and painting it then playing League, but things never go as planned XD (whoops) It's almost time to eat and for now, I'll just think about what I'll do for the rest of the night. I think I'll just continue watching some Cry. Maybe. ....I think I'll do that. 

I'm craving for some jjajangmyun. 

I woke up and my mom made some fried dumplings! :D I cleaned up my room (a bit lol) 

I made myself some tea and just continued drawing Lunar Goddess Diana. I think it's going pretty good :] And I was also watching Cry playing Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. It's actually from that playthrough that I discovered him, but I never watched it because I went to "explore" his channel more. Now that I've finished watching him play Dishonored, I'm watching this. 
And let me tell you one thing. Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon is a good game. That game is deep. Real deep. 

It's 3:27 PM right now and my bro's friends came over. I'm just staying in my room because it's awkward for me. 

And it's snowing right now :D 

Later, we're going to a restaurant because it's my parents' friend's birthday. 
Aaand that's it pretty much. School is starting in 2 days and I am not ready OTL 


Hello peeps! It's me again! /slapped/ 
Hmm...I woke up at ~11AM because I slept pretty late and kind of just felt like poop. I got up and washed up, then I took my laptop and sat on my bed and covered myself with blankets.
(I'm very relaxed and comfortable right now.)

Been drawing Lunar Goddess Diana for such a long time, but never managed to finish it because no time...(I hate school.)
I made myself some tea (again) and watched Cry ^^ After I finished playing Dishonored, why not watch him play it? He got a pretty lame ending compared to me, but they all depend on how you dealt with situations. (I'm not over that game srsly I love it.)
Then I snacked on some cheese crisps and ate some bread and yep. 
I finally downloaded Steam and got myself Audiosurf.*

Audiosurf is a rythm game that allows you to play any song of your choice and it's awesome. You can buy it for 10.99$ on Steam :] 

DAY 1 

Haneul, Tear, whatever you want to call me!

Hey. Eurm. Sup?  I decided to join in on this "tag" so I'll be doing the Every Day for the whole month! :D *clap clap clap* It snowed a bit today, but I didn't manage to take some pictures because I got home too late today, sorry.

I woke up to my dad asking me to fold the laundry. Sooooo I made myself some tea and watched a drama while folding dem laundries. 

We went to 3 different Pho restos to eat and they were all closed... ;-; After ~40 mins of driving around Montreal, we finally found one, but I just ate a bit because I wasn't hungry..

Then we went to the airport to pick up my mom. (We waited for nearly an hour...)When we got home, she unpacked some gifts and got a bunch of snacks from Holland and Denmark! A lot of cheese hihi and chocolate :D

Wow, such cheese. 

So far, my favorite is the orange one -u-

As I am typing this, I'm also editing a video that'll be up tonight on my Youtube channel (if it doesn't take forever to process) And I uploaded one yesterday :]
It's gonna be a New Year video thingy :DDD

Feels like 2014 was just yesterday.



    1. I don't like Spring :]

      -Haneul (that had to delete the reply because keeps forgetting to put name)

      ~Erika (who's currently judging you very hard)

  2. HIHIHI ZE ALIEN IS BACKJanuary 12, 2015 at 8:47 PM

    I met Denis Villeneuve thrice and hola he's a very smart man. Bless my old classmate for having such awesome daddy. And he actually said my acting is not too bad :') I see light toward my fame soon.
    -Ling (again too lazy to log on :D)

    1. Holy crap, really? Damn o-o Awesome...
      We just finished watching it yesterday. Tragedy bruh v.v


