Saturday, October 31, 2015


Shared by The Princess @ H1ME

October 31st, 2015
Hey guys, I guess we will be finishing this monthly confession with me!

Alien (Ling) and I went to watch "The Witness" featuring Luhan at the theater yesterday and I really like it. Even though Ling was laughing next to me like a mad woman. However, it wasn't as bad as the time we went to watch Kris' movie. x)

October 30th, 2015

My other middle name is Broke. I keep spending too much without taking, a very very veryyy bad habit. DON'T be like me, nono.

October 29th, 2015

I don't eat breakfast. (that's maybe why I'm dumb LOL)

October 28th, 2015
I have really bad luck. Sometimes, I just think it is as bad as Lee Kwangsoo in Running Man. 

October 27th, 2015

My COMM 212 teacher is so done with me to the point that he tells me to go to my corner when I'm ready to say the smartest thing ever #SmartLingisthebest

October 26th, 2015

Sometimes when I stay home all day, I forget to eat LOL. BUT I LOVE FOOD.  

October 25th, 2015
I can't focus on one thing only, I need to do 3856862 things at the same time. 

October 24th, 2015

I take 20 selfies a day, on average. I think. But some times, I abuse like 50 pics #yolo.

October 23rd, 2015

We have a Facebook group chat called "TEAM PROCRASTINATION". 

October 22nd, 2015
According to Ling and Erika, I am very weird. Ling said I was weirder than her, because I watch pretty weird things. @_@

October 21st, 2015

I probably said this like 573290 times, but Procrastination is my middle name.

October 20th, 2015

I don't like to share my personal social media accounts...

October 19th, 2015

Never ever ask me for direction. I have no sense of direction at all.You'll only get lost even more :/

October 18th, 2015

I'm a very very veryy stubborn person.

October 17th, 2015

I buy a lot of different shampoos but I still haven't found a favorite... 😧

October 16th, 2015

I have a huge obsession with facial masks. Never seem to have enough of those 

October 15th, 2015

I somehow always attract weird people.. Maybe because I'm weird. Wow, #oops.

October 14th, 2015


October 13th, 2015

I am that one person you know that is always trying to find WiFi everywhere they go. (It needs a password? no worry, I'm going to find it)  #WiFiAddict

October 12th, 2015


October 11th, 2015

I am an extremely lazy person. AMAZINGLY lazy I'd say. Also I lose my motivation really easily /sigh.

October 10th, 2015

I am usually the one who remembers to do confession, but I seriously forgot about this one :S
Honestly, I haven't been making art for quite a few months and I really miss my art classes in college. 

October 9th 2015

I usually take forever to pack and rush the morning I leave... #badhabit But hey, guess who's actually done packing. Me 8)

October 8th, 2015

I am the recipient for all of Ling's Mwave stuffs so my basement (and room) is kind of full of albums LOL

October 7th, 2015

I am restarting to listen to JPop groups. If you know Hey! Say! Jump!, Arashi, Kat-Tun or others , props to you guys ;) #foreverafan ♥

October 6th 2015

I'm starting to like burgundy/maroon/red wine more than pink. Oops.

October 5th, 2015

I rarely watch our videos (too awk and cringe-worthy LOLOLOL).

October 4th, 2015

I am obsessed with the color 'blue'. 

October 3rd, 2015

Whenever I say I'm out to study, I'm actually just going to get a drink and spend my time at the café with the WiFi 8) #procrastinationhoho

October 2nd, 2015

I am really bad at public speaking u_u

October 1st, 2015

hELLO EVERYONE! We are back with a daily update! October is our special month as the 5th is our First Anniversary since creating this blog! So to thank everyone for keeping it up with us, we'll have Daily Confessions!

This time however will feature Erika, Ling and Sandy ♥

I use 'bruhh' a lot

It's not really a secret but I'm obsessed with peaches. Like give me anything peach, I will love you ♥

Long story short, I introduced Ling to the song It's Halloween Night last year as a joke and she started singing it for months. Oh how I regret recommending this song to her. Total Nightmare!

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