Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Shared by Ling @ H1ME

DAY 31


But to be honest, I didn't really do anything special for this very last day of 2014. The only really happy thing I did today was to buy those pea snacks that I kinda fell in love with three days ago. I love peas, and that snack brought it up again to a whole new level okay. Peas are cool. Like come on, "Yes peas!" Isn't that funny, hihi.

So.. Why a picture of a camera? Well guess what. As much as I'm bad in technology, I seem to lose things very quickly as well.. Erika and I were chatting at like 2AM and I found this under a pile of paper. Cool right 8) I feel like it's a symbol that something special is about the happen okay. 31/12, an important date to remember: my lucky day.

Remember these sugar straws? I was just sitting at work and suddenly craved for sweets and they were just sitting there, asking me to take them in pictures because of all the colors. I swear I only took one. Guess which one! Obviously the pink, hihihihihi~

Finally, we went to the BEST Vietnamese restaurant in Montreal earlier for supper. Pho Bang is like so top that the others can't get near okay. Although I took some rice instead of some pho LOL But like hey, it was still so good, I forgot to take a picture before eating. Hihi.

Because we closed the store earlier, there's basically nothing to do at home because the rest of the family is still busy until like 11PM, hihi. We're just watching TV, *ahem* Taiwan channel. Guise, fireworks are very beautiful and Tapei 101 is the best thing to watch on New Year. 



DAY 30

Today's kind of boring? Or more like roller coaster, yeah. I went out this morning to the asian markets to get some tapioca pearls, but both markets in Downtown didn't have them!! I was really reallly sad. I went out just for that. I was too lazy to go all the way to Chinatown..

So back home, I obviously went to work a bit. And MY USUAL FAVORITE THING TO DO!!


Candies are just fun. And I have to be honest, this time, I ate quite a lot. I'm a lot better since yesterday and so I thought it could be an excenllant idea to reward myself from the lack of junk food in the last few days, hihi!

Also, I've concluded that I'm a like a prego woman because I inhale food and I crave for everything every second. My life basically constitute of two things: Sleep and Eat. Yes, what a life motto.

Annnd! DUN DUN DUUUN! There's only one day left until it's new year!! Which also means one last update of the "every day" post! It's been so long~

DAY 29

WOOHOOO! Full #H1MECrew meet up again!

So we went to practise today and the place was still as sketchy as ever. I mean it was just so quiet. And wow. LOL Anyway, as old as it is, the drink machine is pretty old itself. We paid $1, got 2 drinks. Paid another $1, got a drink AND the $1 back... Like dude, thank you for free drinks! :D

So HaNeul always ALWAYS somehow gets blured in all the pictures I take, or she's cut. I don't know how, but she is. Like dudlion, please come closer! 

And so, after we left the dance studio, we were all starving. We decided on Atti Restaurant because we were at downtown, near McGill. And that's like the best Korean food we thought of because HOTTEOK IS LIFE. I didn't even care to take the main dish picture, because man that was useless compared to the dessert okay. Hihi ♥ Mucho love.

We unfortunately couldn't film the surprise we wanted to get done today... Sad we don't know everything even after 3 hours LOL I guess the joke won't exactly work anymore ;-; But oh well, we tried. At least, it should come.... one day.. Hihi~

DAY 28

HOLA! Yes, this update is kind of earlier.. But I'm leaving in like an hour, and I'm not sure if I'll be back before midnight.. Dang dang daaang, nope I'm not Cinderella. Hihihihihi.

But to be honest, I got almost nothing to say today. Like, obviously I felt a lot better than the few days before, but I only went to work the whole day.. And now I'll be off to the Teochew Community Gathering with my mommy. She totally bribred me, people. She bought 6 boxes of cereals just to make me go. I couldn't say no to cereals :(

AND SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW IS THIS WINTER. WE'RE IN MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA. WHERE IS THE SNOW??! It's not even possible to have an igloo, forget the polar bears.

If I come back before the 29th, then I might update more, if not... Well then, too bad, hihi!

DAY 27

It's weird how I felt okay yesterday, but today, it's horrible.... Good thing is that I woke up super early this morning, but I felt terrible. Went out to buy some smelly Chinese herbs, came back home and drink this nasty dark drink. But it was okay at first, but the bottom is horrible. Yes. I actually had like 5 different drinks throughout the day, but this one seems the most appealing to the eye okay. It's not too dark, hihi.

Anyway, I mainly stayed in bed, rolling around. Yeah. Went to work a little bit just for daddy to eat, then he'd chase me away. What a fun day! Oh! But I always did laundry because staying home and doing nothing is really boring. Yes. :D

Also people... Never trust me with technology. I've given up on it twice in less than 24 hours.

DAY 26

Woohoo! Our family's 26th traditional Boxing Day morning! It's Dimsum timeeee~ But to be honest, I didn't take much picture of food, because yeah. Everything went in the tummies before we actually remembered to take a picture.. Hihi. But sad, HaNeul wasn't there, it was half complete family.

AND! Today I felt a little less sick-ish, although my throat isn't going any better because #greasyfood #fat #chocolate Yeah, nothing's helping you know. I should really try to take care of myself..

Afterwards, we obviously went shopping. Spent the whole day at Downtown and bought nothing.. This is pure miracle people. I didn't spend a penny. Maybe because I'm always hanging around there so I don't see much thing I want, and like thoughout the year, there are some sort of similar sale and too much people anyway. So yeah.. No new items for me except a full belly! :D

Extra: We met with this little dude outside this morning.. For a second, it looked like a person okay. But yeah, cool dude.

Another extra, I always, well mostly always, drink bottled water with a straw. It has become a habit from I don't know when, but it's cool like that, yeah. Hihi~

DAY 25

Woop woop! I almost forgot to update today... But I still remembered because midnight, hihi! But hopefully I get it done by then because Internet is being very veryy poopy and won't load properly ;-;

Christmas this year... isn't very pretty.. I think it's probably the only "non-white" or "green" Christmas I ever had in my entire life. I'm sad for global warming, and I'm not too excited for next year. What is our Winter going to be like. If we can casually go out with a light coat on right now, what is going to happen in the future? Plus we're in Canada, there hasn't really been any igloo yet so far :(

AND I GOT A NEW HIGH SCORE AGAIN! One day, I'll beat that personal high score, but for now, I'm satisfied getting over 1000!

(Pictures to be uploaded in a little while because Internet is being kapoot)

DAY 24

Day 2 of being sick... Awful throat man. Stayed in bed until like 12 before actually going out.

Anyway, quite early update today because I'll be heading out very soon.. So I'd like to wish everyone a very happy and merry Christmas! Spend good time with your family and friends, and euh... I suck at these kinds of things so HiHiHi to everyone!

Ling Ling's little review for FUZE (Peache Mango): *legasp* Yes, there's mango in there... No, I didn't choose that on my own. My mom actually made me drink this because she thinks that I don't take "enough" vitamins... I don't know how that's related to being sick, but yeah. Anyway, I accepted because it was pink you know. Hihi. And it's not as bad as I thought. Usually Mango would take over the taste, but now this one Peach is A++. The taste is very peachy and sweet, I think I might actually really like it! Although I wouldn't drink it every time because the mango taste is always there...

Creepy Belgo Building as always... But today was especially quiet, probably because it's Christmas Eve, but still very creepy.. Surprise video to come very soon ;)

Place des Arts was hosting a Christmas theme event for little kids. Stayed there for a big, played around, acting like a kid, because no one knew me there anyway. It was beautiful and very Christmas-y. But they didn't have any Christmas tree, so I was kind of disappointed yeah.

While waiting for everyone to get ready to head out for Christmas night with family, I was playing Neopets and I finally got a new high score for this month 8) Neopets is still life, been playing that since 1st grade, still on it. Yep. ♥


DAY 23

I'M SICK. Whyyyy......... Throat has been burning and headache since this morning. I even woke up late today, after Eric's Meet&Greet. I swear, this isn't another Eric effect, although I have to agree that I could relate to him by a lot, hihi.
  1. Mr Cheese - Although he doesn't eat as much cheese, nor is he as much addicted to it as before, he's still a bit cheesy, just not too much. I didn't eat cheese at all today, I promise. I can't when I'm sick-ish, because it makes me worst, y'know.
  2. Mr Eric Nam was a bit in a bad condition during the Meet&Greet, but could sing pretty awesomely well. And as always, sore throat won't stop me from TALKING LOUDLY YEAH.
  3. Mr Little Chicken posted a picture with Honey Butter chips like a few minutes after the M&G, and guess who bought a bag just before that. Yeah, me. 
  4. Mr #EricNamForPresident sang "I'm in Love" by Narsha at the M&G, and guess who was looking at her fancam the night before. Because Eric first sang that song in Canadia's Showcase looking at the lyrics on his phone with Yohan playing the piano. :')
Anyway, sad thing.. really. Not even kidding. I went to work for a bit, thinking that I was better after drinking some tea (yeah tea is life). And so I was packing candies, but I couldn't eat them... Sad. I mean look at the delicious little sweets. But I had to be happy that it was melon, because I don't like melon, but that little strawberry at the back was basically screaming for me to eat it okay. I had to resist the temptation so badly.

End of today's sick rant. Okay. Ciao people ♥

DAY 22

We went to Erika's house with HaNeul todayyyy!
Got a surprise coming up very soon, but let's just hope it's doable within the time frame LOL

So, as usual, whenever I go over, I kind of have to have that special moment of creeping over by opening the front door with my own key. You see, the perks of being half adopted, yeah. Went in and out about 4 times, and successfully opening the door every time! :D

Actually took more selfies than that but like, I'm too lazy to upload them all and they all look the same you know. Yeah. Opening doors can be fun too!

And we kind of consumed a bit too much of chocolate today.... but dude, it's hella good okay. I don't care about braces, FERRERO ROCHER is life. So hella good for a hazelnut chocolate. I mean, nutella quality yo.  And I'm still craving for a chocolate cake. 

Then we kind of spontaneously craved for some McDonalds. But like the US is getting some sort of personalized McDonalds? Hello there, I came for the cheese *winkwink* And look at those yummy fries.

Afterwards, HaNeul and I went to gramps' house and yada yada, ate again... But not too much since we were full from McDs.. yeah.

Good thing, I did my Mama Noël job, and gave the gifts to my little adorable cousins, yes including HaNeul. I think most were happy with their gifts, so I'm not complaining. I actually kind of forgot to take a picture of the gifts, but meh, just know that they're kids LOL

Big by the way, I'm sad Erika didn't facepalm that much from my gift :'(

And off to dodo early because Eric Nam's Meet&Greet is at 5:30AM over here!

DAY 21

YAHEY! So my legs are super numb for sitting for like almost two hours... Yeah, being old is hard. I should start doing more exercice yo. Tai Chi gonna be my style soon.


I'm officially done wrapping the gifts for my mini event of Mama Noël with my little family.

Yeah, my creativity had to stop at some point, because I didn't have any other Mickey Mouse gift wrap. And yes, I only use Mickey Mouse, because that's how I roll. This had to be done very last miunte because I learned from my cousin that we were all meeting up tomorrow... Like if she didn't tell me, no Christmas gift for anyone LOL See how I save our little fun time.

Also, today, boring as usual. Went to work today, from 12PM until 5PM. Very very long and boring. But it's a typical Sunday, so meeh. But let's just say I was having fun by myself doing weird faces to the camera, okay? Hihi.

DAY 20

So today was full #H1MECrew first outing everrrr!

Well, first off, we went to Odaki, Japanese restaurant, owned by Chinese peeps, and we kind of ate a bit too much... Yeah.. More about our little outing on the actual outing post to be out in a little while LOL But basically, it was fun okay.

yEAH We ordered like 20 of these. I still never remember the name, I think it's scallop, but I call them pillows because they're soft, squishy and pillowy, you know. 20. Let's just say that it's because it was the 20th today, okay? All in my stomach, minus 3.

And because this is MY every day, and Erika has been taking so many pictures of me *hair flip* There you go, a picture of our little princess Erika, and about fabulous ghost member, Ha Neul.

Anyway, after we all left, I'm that little sad duckling going to work for about 3 hours, yeah because I was chased away by daddy to clean my room, but it's still messy as ever. Had to catch up with the latest episode of Abnormal Summit you know. Takuya hubby is still A++ as ever.

DAY 19

HOLA! Yes, I'm updating earlier today, but I may be going off the best earlier too LOL I didn't do much today, aside from studying for like an hour, or two, idk, for the final. FINALLY OFF FROM SCHOOL!! Although, I have to say that I did a very stupid mistake in the exam, and only realized when there was like what 5 seconds left, and sadly, couldn't correct my answer... Well, sad.

Also, in my spare time this morning, I finally finished the greeting cards for the last batch of #teamBYS! For those who don't know, well I'm the Ling from B.A.P Yessir! Full time Translators/Subbers manager yo ;)

I'll be off now! Just waiting for the rest of #H1MECrew to decide where we'll be hanging out tomorrow, but HOLA! FIRST FULL CREW MEETING UP FOR THE FIRST TIME! :D

DAY 18

Thursday.. Oh dear Thursday. As much as I love this day of the week, today has been very boring. BUT! I went to study at the library on my own *le big gasp* yes, I went. Hihi. I think there's only Thursday that I can feel the motivation to do something. I mean, I was born on that day, so obviously I get motivated on that day, right? Right? :D

And because I went to study alone, I got to pick my favorite study spot at the school's library which is the second floor's single cubicle. Always taking the best selfies there, but I got too lazy today and was wayy to into math. Yeah, another *legasp* Alien is not taking selfies.

AND the ultimate rule I always break at the library.. Dun dun duuun. But it's not like a big lunch or anything, it's just small snacks like candies. Because sweets wake you up, y'know.

Done for today's every day. Gotta get back to study and get all this done for tomorrow's final exam. Dear Calculus 2, it's you and me for 3 hours yo. Hope I pass you, buddy, hihi.

And by the way, hubby posted this today and I can totally relate to him. Thank you. Hehehe ♥

DAY 17

Hello to allll! So, it's Wednesday and I basically did nothing today. Oopsie Daisies. Had to wake up super early, something I haven't done for a very looong time, to write the English exam. Four hours, bros. Hella long, and ALL the short stories were hella cheesy. So cheesy, I'd die of rainbow cheese.

Stupid mistake: because I stan UNIQ so much, I wrote that instead of the actual word "unique" and dictionaries were allowed, so whoever's correcting my copy is probably going to facepalm, because I'm pretty sure I added a heart somewhere, and obviously an alien drawing too. Hihi.

Anyway, I bought this water drink thing.

If you are the ask me why, well 1) IT'S PINK OKAY. 2) There was the word "Beauty" on it. *sassy hair flip* Thank you, hihi!

Aside from that, I went to Target, to get my cousin's album of 5SOS' SOSLIVE? Yo, I'm having a blank, and I'm too lazy to look it up on Google, but it's something like that. Yeah. And guys, 5SOS was nominated as worst band to NME Awards. Mr Clifford wants to win that, well according to his tweet. I'm just so done.
** I looked up and it's actually LIVESOS. Well, it was close. Hihi.


And *le ugly sob cry* because Will... o(╥﹏╥)o

DAY 16

Another day at Erika's houuuuuse! Basically studied for a few hours~ Math is awful people. Although it is fun when you understand, but it's meh when you want to take a break because yeah. Breaks are always more fun 8D

Yes, you are seeing FOUR bubbleteas. Erika is probably going to post some more HD pictures on her every day, but meh. Mine is phone quality, what. BY THE WAY, I'm a normal person, because I got 2 regular, so I'm double regular. Get it? Yeah? Hohoho (because X-Mas is coming up soon)!

Found a little buddy in the snow. Mister got a little carrot for his nose! I actually tried to take a picture earlier when I was about to get to Erika's house, but like I failed and took a 2 seconds film of me walking. Hihi. A+ for effort with technology.

By the way, little suprise hint for Erika. Hopefully, she won't facepalm too hard, yeah? This is the package from where her Christmas present is from. Kind of destroyed it, but meh. Good things come in orange packages ;)

DAY 15

HOLA EVERYONE! So today is mi abuela's birthday ♥ Went to surprise visit her, and stayed the whole day, haha. #yolostudies Went through therapy and all that. Also met a new friend, the therapist assistant, who actually attented the same high school as me! Small world, people, small world.

Fun fact: My grandma always thought that the brown sauce was soup, so she'd always drink it all, and complain how it's salty and not good. Until today, I sat and ate with her  (actually the first to eat supper with her. I'm the first to everything you know. First to go see her at the hospital, first when she woke up, first first first hihi :D) and told her that it was sauce and not soup..

Because we liked to play around. We slept and played in the room LOL Happy 85th birthday grandmami~ Always stay happy and get well soon!

See that pink bouquet, yeah mine. Because mine has to be 1) pink 2) bigger than everyone else's. Hihi. And so we had a mini party there with everyone coming and inviting the nurses to eat as well. What a beautiful Monday. No study, just fun around elders.

And finally. Obviously, because all the family is weirdos. Hihi, candles on the pizzaaa~ Muy delicioso!

DAY 14

IT'S SUNDAY AGAIN~~ Yep, another long boring day at work. But I have to say, my favorite thing to do at work is obviously packing the candy bags. Look at them yummy sweets.


Main reason why I love to pack the candies is obviously because the remaining ones go into my tummy, hihi. Braces don't even stop me from getting this sugar yo!

Aside from that, well. Honestly, working the whole day is 10x better than studying for long hours. I don't know, but like it's more active and you get to talk to lots of people instead of a textbook, yeah?

DAY 13


Anyway, today is another "study" day with Erika! Although, really, what we did was to procrastinate, "study", eat food, procrastinate. Really people, studying with your friends won't really work.. Hihi.. BUT on the other hand, I'm now understanding science stuffs that I should've understood long ago LOL

I guess we were "done" with a chapter, and hopefully I got to help Erika a tiny isty little bit, hihi!

Annnnnd! JAMMM~  Finishing with selfies~ That was pre-study tho, while I was still at work waiting for someone to replace me so that I could run to Erika's house LOLOL

DAY 12

Well well.. another full day of study. But we studied a bit less than yesterday. Yep. But my brain is still kapoot. I mean, yesterday's 8 hours and today's 6 hours. 14 hours man, I don't know how I went through that, seriously.

And obviously, something I do every day. Selfie pre-study and post-study.

Casual, very bright morning. See mi happy smile.
Tired, ugly cold afternoon. See mi small eyes.
Then some blabla study. And so my study buddy couldn't take it anymore and we took a "coffee" break. I don't drink coffee people. But he does. So it's "coffee" break. Get it?

Isn't Dawson's roof pretty? Covered of snow and very not picture-ey place LOL. That was around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I don't know, I don't care. It was still a long day. So CIAO PEOPLE ♥

DAY 11

KAZIMBAAH. I'm still alive after... what.. euh.. 8 hours? I don't know, but around that. of studying!! Ain't I good? Although, to be honest, I mainly fooled around and acted like a lazy monkey. Sorry friend.

Proof pic, yo. And I actually got a lot done today. So proud of myself :')
Also... because I'm not a big user of locker.. I was stuck with my coat the whole time, until Sandy finally gave me the combination. I actually went to the locker, put my coat in and take it out 30 seconds later, just for a picture.

So my friend and I were waiting for the bus that never came... we actually waited for like an hour in the cold snowy darkness. And Mr. Security Officer walked by, saw me and gave me a hot bubble tea. Although I didn't like the flavor, it was still hot yo. Canadian people are nice, eh.

DAY 10

So today was.... A HORRIBLE DAY.
Dear snow, yes you are white and pretty, but no. I do not like you. It's snow storm alert! Been snowing all day! Goodness I was indoors all day, but deng, when I had to go out, it was awful. I could build a beautiful snowman tho. I should tomorrow, hihi.

So yeah, the whole day indoors basically consisted of me studying and working. Meh, what a normal day in the finals period..

PS: Okay, I lied. I just opened my notebook, took a pic, and yeah. That's how I study 8)


JAJAAM! Official first day of break.
It basically consisted of me lazing around, and rolling on bed, and being on the Internet all the time, and editing the vlog. Yep. So interesting 8)

It snowed all day today.. so when I was out, it was as if I was first. Hihihi. I like to be first. Because 1 is good.

I was going to post a selfie but I look horrible today.. Welp. Well then, one week of break until my first exam~~


Never been so stressed before LOLOL.


Met Sandy in the stairs for like 30 seconds LOLOL. But I finished before her, hihihi.

But sad thing, I wasted the day quite a lot, hihi. I just went grocery shopping, laundry, and took a nap. Interesting, right? Yeah, I know too cool.

Guess what section I was at~

The cheese section is so holy. Like everything was so beautiful and cheesy. And wow. Yess, cheese is life. Cheese is awesome.

And so apparently, I look like a big green thing on the couch there, not waking up despite all the noises my sisters were making hihi.


oKAY.. so today might be some very boring day update LOL
Sunday is my break day, so I basically just work at my parents' store all day, and get home to study or do whatever at 8PM... Hihi. So yeah. Boringeuh. But let's say it's the first selfie I post in the month of December. Hihi ♥

DAY 6 

Okay so first. As usual, every Saturday is MEET UP WITH ERIKAAAAAA!!!
We filmed some stuff for her school project and I SLAPPED HER. I SLAPPED ERIKA. But let's just say that I'm not bad actress okay. And actually on the vlog I owe you all, it was last week when the slap was awful. I practiced well. Hihihi.

We also went to the dollar store and got some balloons to play with the helium. Went bad for me, but Erika got so high. She scared a YEH! dude...

Then, I went to my cousin's birthday party. And so I met my niece for the very first time ever.......

I mean, she cute.... But not my kind.. Like THIS is my kind:



Call me crazy, but yo. Bubble tea and CC Lemon are life. And yes, I did drink them all, I mean, I am alien. Teehihihi.
  • Brown Sugar Milk Tea
  • Caramel Creamy Milk Tea
  • Strawberry Sencha
I haven't slept for the whole day. Like been awake for over 40 hours now hihih. #yayfinals And so these drinks were just A++ beacuse sugar and sugar is great. (Not to mention I got 2 bars of chocolate shhh).




So bad news. I didn't do anything today. Like almost nothing.
1) Went to school, did an exam.
2) Came home, took a nap.
3) Went to work, for like 3 hours.
4) Here I am, sitting in front of the screen typing some blabla.
What an interesting life! Yeah! I know! :D

See how pretty our Pepsi Forum is AND I TOOK THE ELEVATOR ALOOOONE. Life is fun. Hihihihi.


SO TODAY!!! It snowed rainy snow. Ew.

Everything was slushy and wet and ew. Like, dear Mother Nature, please be kind and give us a better snow. Even a fluffly white snow is better than this man.


Ling Ling's little review for Vitamin Water Spark (Blueberry-Grape): This is awful. I'm sorry. Daddy bought some Viatmin Water yesterday and I was tempted by this one because 1) It's pink 2) Blueberry 3) Grape. But nope. Very bad mix. It tastes worst that grape medication, like big ew. I'm sorry.

OOOH also, because I was such a loser. I went to class like 45 minutes earlier. I still remember during first year when I basically camped in the library hahahah. (no hihi, it's haha time)

I'm procrastinating procrastination (So vlog #3 might come a tad bit later hihihi). Wow, what a badass. I know. Hihi. I talk a lot, I know. I'll shut up. Teehee. ♥


Getting ready for the Holidays yooo! Done wrapping the gifts for the young ones. And gotta get those letters done soon.

And because it's christmas in a little more than 20 days. Don't forget to watch Mickey Mouse YO! Or whatever movie you like.



Okay, so. Because December is a very pretty month. asif. We decided to update something every day, and be a bit more active, despite exams and all. And well, at least you people get to know us, right? Riiiight? hihi.

KAZZAAM. Hell week has started for me.... Finals... Let me cry. I swear I'm half-diligently studying. Pretty sure I'm going to do okay with that Cal2 test. notlikeifailedthelastone. But yeah. One thing I hate about college is really the exam week o(╥﹏╥)o
Good luck to you all who're having exams too.. but winter break is coming soon after hihihi.  


  1. You seem like a cool person! cheers!

    1. Hola! Why thank you! You are very cool too! Hihihi~

  2. wow you seem to eat a lot hahaha

    1. I guess my belly takes in a lot of food :3 And come on, food is life. I can't say no to any food. It's just very good. Hihi!
