Saturday, December 31, 2016


Shared by Erika @ H1ME

DAY 31

Well. As you could tell, it's not 2017 here in eastern Canada yet but yeaaah! There's a spider at the corner of my room omg.

Although it's New Years Eve, we don't really celebrate so yeah. This morning, I got a call from the mattress company saying they were gonna deliver in 15~20 minutes. Mind you, they told us 5~8pm the night before so like: wth?? When I say morning i mean 7:58am. I went to sleep at 4am like please.

Then I went back to sleep and slept until 2pm #satisfied! I pretty much only ate after I woke up. I can feel it. I'm gaining weight OTL

I've been eating this all day and I'm not even halfway done

DAY 30
Wow. Almost time to say goodbye to 2016 DAMNNN.

I woke up at 10am today but it was too early so I decided to go back to sleep (I think it took me a good 40 minutes to fall back asleep). I woke up at 12:34 and went out with my mom to Costco!

On our way back, my mom got herself a new mattress. Weird right? WELP. It was 50% off because of after-xmas sale so why not ;D

Then we went to an asian market and I saw this

I kinda wanna try it....

DAY 29
I woke up to about 20 cm of snow piled up everywhere outside! And it was still snowing...

I didn't do anything today either... just went out to get groceries and watched my dramas LOL. Is this how I'm going to spend my entire break? I don't know!

SNOWY WONDERLAND! (After they shovelled the sidewalk)

After I made dinner, I took out the compost for the first time.... quite gross tbh. Then I started watching Queen's flower (for Lee Sung Kyung ykno? ;D) Gave up at episode 23 because I had a headache.... I kinda also forgot to finish this update LOL.

DAY 28
I did practically nothing today OTL.

I'm actually very impressed by myself! I started Doctors yesterday at 11pm and finished it at 3:44am. Again. I skip parts so yeah. That's my ultimate secret of finishing dramas quickly! Although I skipped more in this one since I had 0% interest in Park ShinHye's character's love story #oops. But usually, when I watch dramas and I finish within a day, I usually skip the silences, stares and the blabla between the villains. #Secret'sOut

I woke up at 1:30 (because I set an alarm since I didn't want to wake up at 2pm. Not like 1:30 is better but ykno!) Then my brother dragged me out because he wanted to go out on this sunny day. He hadn't been out for 6 days now so yeah. I guess it's understandable! On our way there, my mom called and asked us to do groceries. While we were shopping, Ling calls me and tells me she's over and yeaaaah. I kinda forgot it was today ^^

After Ling left, I made dinner and yeaaaah. now I'm hungry again and I'm looking at recipes for inspiration for tomorrow's dinner......... Since it's winter break, we're on dinner-duty... sigh

DAY 27
Hello hello! I have 8 minutes to write this leggo

I woke up at 12 today since I was planning to hang out with a friend today. By the time I finished getting ready, it was already 1:40 #oops. But then she came later than I did cough 3:30 so yeah. not too too bad!

Then we hung out at Nosthés just chit-chatting and catching up (although I saw her not long ago but you know. Always a lot to say :D)

and yeaaaah. I'm watching Doctors right now for Lee SungKyung. I don't even care if she's the villain. I love that woman (esp if she's with Nam JooHyuk hihi) I don't really like Park Shin Hye so i can skip most of it :D. Welp. This is how I end my day~ This took me 3 minutes to write!! :O

DAY 26
So I was going to go shop with my mom today since it's boxing day but by the time we were done with lunch, it was already raining freezing rain. For those of you who live in fortunately warmer places, freezing rain is rain that freezes the moment it touches the ground (or cars. or just anything inanimate). My mom being the uncanadian she is, didn't want to go out anymore SOOOOO. WE SPENT THE DAY MAKING MANTOU.

Random yes I know. It took 5ever and I was sure I screwed up but it came out pretty good!
And uh. yeah. I think that's all I did today.

DAY 25

I woke up at 11:20 but went back to sleep and woke up at 1:20 (i think i'm getting the Ling syndrome)
So. As predicted, I did nothing Christmas ish. at all.

The only thing I did today was to cook dinner and yeaaaaaah. that's pretty much it. Boring eh? no Christmas spirit whatsoever.


DAY 24
IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!! and I haven't done anything xmas eve ish

So I woke at 1:13 today (note: it is the latest I've woken up at this month). Ate an apple and went out to the hairdresser's because my mom wanted to get her hair cut (and mine at the same time).

She cut her hair hella short and I also cut off 7 inches OTL. Once she was done, she left first and since I wasn't done yet, I had to stay aloneeeee. I also got my hair dyed. More like. Accidentally bleached. I chose a color and the hair stylist asked me if I wanted it lighter or darker so I said lighter, next thing you know, I smell bleach. WELP. GUESS TODAY IS THE DAY I FIRST BLEACH MY HAIR!
their lighting was weird and made my hair look like that
My hair reached my belly button ;-;

all the hair she chopped off OTL
wow such wonderful angle I know. But that's the length now

anddddd the color
Honestly, for now my hair doesn't feel as damaged as I thought it would but then I'd have to see when I wash my hair LOL.

SEE YOU TOMORROW. (prediction: I won't do anything tomorrow)

DAY 23
 I wrote 33 instead of 23 wow Erika good job.

I woke up quite early considering I went to sleep at 3:30! and um. I didn't really have a chance to laze around too much since my mom had a half day of work and came back home at 2.

Today was my first driving class and SURPRISE! I DIDN'T BUMP INTO ANYTHING! I don't know why the teacher wrote "speed" in the stuffs to improve like bro. I was at the right speed all the time what you talkin bout??

Then went to Costco with my mom and yeaaaaah. Came back home to watch some shows wtv and now am enjoying a face mask while writing my every day update hehehehe.

I should take some pics soon. It's been a while since I last included a pic....

here. have a princess gudetama.

DAY 22
It was so warm outside that it makes me wonder if we'll really have a white Christmas this year.

I honestly don't remember at what time I woke up at today. Although I know that I didn't wake up early and I was awake before 1 mmmmh.

I woke up, scrolled through Instagram and Youtube then, I watched The Legend of the Blue Sea until 3:40PM.

I ate lunch at 3:40 (idk if it's considered lunch if it's just a pastry but yeah.) I did the laundry and went to my grandma's to pick up some cauliflower she bought.


I think that's it! #Unproductive

DAY 21
I woke up at 12 something and then went out at 2 or something just because the weather was great outside!

It was 2°C (feels like -5) so I wore my winter coat yknow? just in case it's cold? I ended up sweating. Went to pick up some shoes I bought a while back and on my way back, I went to Nosthés to grab a drink. I wanted to see if Ling was available to come but she just woke up. AT 3PM. Although she was awake earlier.

I went to pick up some groceries and made dinner! I watched the new episode of Kim Bok Joo and heck do I love Nam Joohyuk. I'm rewatching Scarlet Heart right now because my friends are watching it hehe. But yeah. Quite boring day!

DAY 20

I thought I was going to be productive but yeah no. I woke up at 10 something and got out of bed at 11 something, made myself some "breakfast" = omelette and hash browns.

Then Ling and Sandy came over and we lazed until 6 something and yep. probably the LEAST eventful day HAHAHAHHA.

DAY 19

For some reason I woke up at 6:14 today and it was dark as hell so I went back to sleep until my mom woke me up at 8:30. I don't know if it's a mom thing or it's just MY mom, but she likes being early to everything everywhere. So we got to the bus station at 9:45. Our bus was at 12:30 so yeah. Time to waste time!!

We went to the grocery store to buy some fruits and some water. Then went to Uncle Tetsu to get H1ME some cheesecake and ofc some green tea madeleines hehehe. and then we waited. Waited 5ever. Just spent some time chatting and yeaaaah. Time to board!
mi breakfast

A pic I took at the station
Uncle Tetsu still alive in MTL!!
Once we got back to Montreal, we were welcomed with the cold. Then a STM screw up..... sigh. how I missed Montreal.

We came back to a spotless house (my brother has OCD) but ofc. being me, I messed it ALLLL up. he was not pleased when he got home but ykno. Everyone needs to know that I passed by O:)


*I tried to publish yesterday's entry on the bus but the wifi was so poo that I couldn't so yeah. 2 entries at once 😎

DAY 18
Since yesterday was Downtown day, being the asians we are, of course we need to go to Scarborough today right?

So first off, my dad got lost trying to look for our Airbnb place (writing this from my own bed makes me realize how bad the place was. Cool location, ew place) so we went to meet up with him in Chinatown. Then we travelled to Scarborough to get 小笼包 (xiaolongbao).
we ordered a lot but we finished most of it LOL
Then my mom wanted to get some dried idk-what and going into that mall I spotted Park Bogum

Since I spotted a Sharetea, I needed to go since it was one of my missions (to grab their bottle) BUT they didn't have any bottles and it was just eh.

After that, we went to the pacific mall and looked for a hair salon to cut my hair but too many people so eh. We were supposed to spend the entire day with my dad but there was no where we wanted to go in Scarborough so he just dropped us off at I think 5pm. That'd probably be the last time I see him until my birthday sighhhhhh.


DAY 17
Today is probably going to be the most eventful day of this trip LOL.

So for xyz reason, my mom woke up at 8 and it woke ME up because I thought I was supposed to wake up too you know? Then I went back to sleep until 11 (when my mom started to be hungry so I had to wake up to have breakfast with her)

I downloaded the TTConnect app at the Tim Hortons and honestly didn't know what to do for a good 2 minutes. BUTTT I ended up getting the hang of it! It's kinda slow to launch but eh. It's good enough I guess.

We went to the Eaton Centre since I wanted to come to Toronto just to go to the UNIQLO that opened LOL. I don't know if my mom's the big spender or me BUT we ended up having a bill of over $600. Then we went to Muji and bought some stuff. We headed back home to drop off the purchases since they were too heavy. We went back out and we got the same bus driver that drove us to our Airbnb #coincidence?

BACK TO THE EATON CENTRE! yeah. This time we wanted to walk around the mall LOL. Went to the Disney store because my brother wanted some Star Wars merch (I got him an R2-D2 tsum tsum) and on my way out the store, I saw an otter plushy and sent it to Ling.

I had to go back in the store to get it for her

oh and the huge christmas tree that doesn't fit in 1 pic O:)

Once we came back to our place, my mom went to shower BUT got hungry, so she made me go buy some groceries. I went to the Sobeys near the Airbnb we stayed at last time for TKC (since it was only 6 minutes away)

I found this really fancy water (didn't buy it though. I was too cheap)
Once I got home, I wanted to eat some ramen so I made some for myself BUT my mom wanted to eat it (I obv didn't share so she cursed me saying Imma get pimples for eating ramen alone pshh).

Anyway. I ended my day with some Goblin and Gong Myung & Jung Hye Sung WGM.

DAY 16
The day I left to Toronto with my mom!

So I woke up at 11 something? I think? Went downstairs and found an Alien sitting on the cold hard ground and complaining about how cold it was.

Finished packing and left for the bus. My mom wanted to be early so we got there a whole hour early OTL.

The bus ride was long and horrid. It was burning hot in it, although it got better when they changed shifts but it was still too hot. oh. and this weird guy kept on taping his phone on the windshield and was recording. Props to you if you don't wanna spend on a tripod (or one of those stick-on-everything phone cases) but it looked hella pitiful especially since he tore tape off the rail or wtv

oh and he got a call in the middle of his recording (he's seated in the back so he didn't know LOL)

Anyway, I just got to our Airbnb and just gonna go shower and rest! see y'all~

Airbnb place

DAY 15
Today was kind of better?

I woke up early (10:45) today to go to my friend's house but I ended up being late anyway LOL never trust my punctuality.

Went to do some grocery shopping before getting there to make some cookies.

great tiny cookies hehe
Had a super fun time with friends and headed home at 8PM (it was feeling -30°C outside #CanadianLyfe)

Now I'm downloading some shows to watch on the bus tomorrow.

DAY 14
I woke up at 12:12 today but stayed in bed until about 2 LOL.

I went grocery shopping and bought some ingredients for chocolate chip cookies (making them tomorrow) AND A PACK OF HASHBROWNS FOR 2.79!! THEY WERE VERY GOOD!

Had lunch at 4PM then made dinner for my mom (I also ate it but I don't know if I'd consider it dinner)

Watched the new Kim Bok Joo episode and yep. #TotallyProductive

DAY 13
I was supposed to wake up at 10 today but I woke up at 10:30 instead and lazed in bed till 11 something LOL. I went to my friend's house today just to hang outtt.

I felt like doing my hair and makeup today so I did that. I tried out some lenses that I bought some while ago and they make my irises look crazy big idk it looks creepy to me LOL
human/normal looking pic first

my usual crazy face second heh.
(My hair is always a mess LOL)

We went to Chicha because we wanted some pecan pie but they didn't have any today so we got a mango mille crêpe instead and drinks
I got the blue reefs? something like that. it tasted like passion fruit LOL and she got golden beach
When I got home, no one was home. My brother went to work and my mom was just. unreachable? She turned off her cellphone so I couldn't reach her or anything (she was at YMCA). I ended up making myself some pasta LOL. and yeah. I think that's all I did! At least, I had 2 meals (ish? the tea and cake = 1 meal okay)

DAY 12
My brother was playing some really loud video at 10 something and since I didn't want to wake up that early, I put on a Ted talk about procrastination and fell back asleep! Ling woke me up this morning at 12:36 and was surprised I was still sleeping LOL.

I had to run an errand so I went and did that, then I went to hang out with Ling and Sandy (first time in a longgggg while). Bubble tea was my lunch LOL. Sandy left us early (like 5?) but Ling and I stayed until almost 8!

Looking at weird costumes.

I had to go to Provigo to buy some stuffs for my mom. I don't know if it's because it's a weekday or the weather outside is really bad but the parking lot was HELLA empty!!! The streets also!

you couldn't see the lines on the roads!!
Once I got home, I had to cook for my brother and do the dishes. Took my shower and here I am!

DAY 11
Since I didn't do much today let's start the day with what happened at the START of the day!

So at around 3AM, Ling and I started talking about superpowers. It was a very interesting talk okay? You should all have that talk with your friends! We talked about it till 4AM then I went to sleep. I woke up at 12:51PM and my mom just let me sleep (thanks mom. much appreciated)

Thennnnnn, I just lazed around for the rest of the day. OH I booked an Airbnb place for my trip to Toronto honhonhon.

Then I fell asleep while watching The Return of Superman but then I felt bad to fall asleep on some kids so I switched it to a Ted talk LOL. AND I WATCHED THE WE GOT MARRIED EPISODE OF JUNG HYE SUNG AND GONG MYUNG. GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T. WE ALL NEED IT IN OUR LIVES.

Now I'm on a korean clothing website looking at how cheap their clothes are compared to here OTL.

the endddddd

DAY 10
Oh damn. 15 days till Christmas y'all.

Soooo..... what did I do today.....

I woke up at 12 (expect this almost everyday of the month).

Since #lazySaturday was cancelled today, I ate a bun with some milk and uh...... Lazed around for an hour then went out to shop with my mom! Got her some glasses ;D (meanwhile, Ling came over and yeah. Wasn't there to welcome her)

Then I ate a lotta shrimps and yeah. end of the day I think LOL how uneventful! I guess that's what happens when you wake up late heh.

OH WAIT I WATCHED AN EPISODE OF RUNNING MAN. andddd went on a wallet hunt for my friend.

tis the end folks! See you tomorrowwwwww

Wow okay. this time I'm late. oops

I got woken up at 8 by a spam call, then at 10 by the car thing, then at 11 by my mom and then I woke up by myself at 12:26 and found my friend spamming me everywhere. She was coming within 20 minutes and wanted to make sure I was alive. Also. I used that 20 minutes to read Ling's 801 MESSAGES spam. Here's what you need to know:

She then came over to get her package and we sat there and chit chat for about 2 hours and off she went, back in the cold.

I had to leave the house promptly to meet up with my brother to go pick up the car. I was expecting it to be freezing outside but it was quite bearable and enjoyable with a nice cozy scarf and comfortable clothes LOL. However, there was pretty much ice everywhere. Thank Yoon* there was salt.


We then went to pick up the car and got stuck in traffic for 20 minutes. Once I got home, I had to go out to Bol Orange to get food for my brother. (they probably think that I'm hella lazy and don't cook for myself by now. I go there too often. I should stop)

I watched the newest episode of the Goblin and heh. That was good. Then my brother came back from work so I had to cook for him and myself (since I didn't eat supper) anddddd I just got done with the dishes (which is why I'm late)

ALSO I just discovered that the color of the year is Greenery??? I'm quite sad. I wanted it to be Hazelnut... Oh well. 
 * I'm atheist so now my "god" is Yoon Junghan. :D


You see. I'm not the type to go out alone. More like, when I plan to go out alone I keep delaying and delaying, next thing you know it's 5PM. 

But I still had to go out with my mom at 4PM to drop off the car to get the tire changed because you know. Montreal. Quebec. Winter. yeaaaah. As I'm typing this, there's a snowstorm outside so yeah. I have to take a picture tomorrow. 

OH I MADE A BATCH OF DONBURI SAUCE. how productive. Honestly, it's just another way to be lazy but pushing the laziness back ykno?

Then I caught up with the new episodes of Weightlifter Fairy Kim Bok Joo. Nam Joo Hyuk is bae. Lee Sungkyung looks better with long hair but she still cute in it heh.

anddddd yeah. end of the day!! See ya!

I woke up at 11:30 because of a safety alarm I put just so I don't sleep till 2. Not like it's happened before O:). Ling came over but I wasn't awake at the time so eh. (go to her every day update to see her crazy story) 

I then went to my exam at 2 and was expecting to finish at 3:30 or so but I ended up finishing at 2:34 (it was 2:34 when I was leaving school) wow. IT WAS MY LAST DAY! 
Celebration selfie

Then I went to shop with my aunt (since she's leaving to China tonight). She had her eyes on a Louis Vuitton bag but they didn't have it so she ended up buying a Michael Kors purse and 2 wallets......

We had to go to a family dinner and it was TERRIBLE. It was a dinner with the cousins I hate so yeah..... self-explanatory. So um yeah. Now I don't know what I'm gonna do for the rest of the night but yes. SEE YOU TOMORROWWWW!

DAY6 (ha. get it?)
Okay so I made a bad decision of going to sleep at 3 although i had to wake up at 8? I was kind of telling myself that I could come back home after my class (11AM) and sleep all I want (which we all know doesn't work) 

So once I got home, I ate lunch and since I just ate, I didn't want to nap? (yeah always an excuse/reason to not nap) so I decided to watch some drama instead (I'm currently watching Goblin but I don't know when its air-time is? haven't looked that up yet. But I just went to check today in case it came out ykno?) there was nothing so I ended up watching a j-drama about a proofreader lady? (I love that actress and expected to love it but I don't know...... so far nothing's happening... the website where I watch it only subbed 3 episodes so yeaaaah.) Then, I watched 14-sai no haha (which was on the first page of the drama list) and yeah...... that was............ weird? Again. Not my style LOL.

By the time I finished my drama marathon, it was only 2:30? and I wanted to make my day more eventful so I was tempted to go to Nosthés. I was messaging Ling at the time and she was very eager? So I actually went out LOL. That was #LazyTuesday. We honestly never do anything on Tuesdays since we're usually busy and all but it's end of semester for me (1 exam left tomorrow) so I'm very free. I totally forgot to take a picture but oh well. #LazyTuesday was really lazy. We ended up playing a messenger game for like 30 minutes? and left at 9PM (much later than we expected).

I guess today was eventful? More eventful than yesterday, of course. See you tomorrow!!

DAY 5 
I feel like I really did nothing today. 
I woke up at 11:30 (could've slept till 12 but alarm woke me up), then ate and went to school for my literature exam followed by computer exam (most pointless exam ever thank you) then went back home. That was basically the end of my day. 

I was supposed to work on my french oral but it's been uh.... about 6 hours now and I haven't started yet....... oops. 

I guess this is the end of it? I totally forgot to take a pic of the beautiful snow outside :/ maybe tomorrow? :D

It's Sunday and usually it's my grocery day with my mom but she went early in the morning (lol not that early but still) with my aunt so I didn't go out at all today!

I'm supposed to work on my school work on Sundays but I don't know what's happening. I don't feel motivated? Usually, I'm motivated by time so at 9PM is when I start to think about studying and at 10PM I start. That obviously did not happen HA. 

Moving on from what I was SUPPOSED to do to what I actually did. 

I think i skipped lunch and only had dinner today..... My mom wasn't particularly happy about that but oh well. I also woke up 22 minutes after SEVENTEEN released their MV (yeah I don't know what time but I know it was 22 mins after the MV) and then I don't remember what I did. Wow. I really have a horrible memory........... 

I TRIED THE HOT OIL TREATMENT FOR MY HAIR. Let me tell you it was a pain to wash out and I don't see mucho difference but oh well. I tried. 

Umm.... Right now I don't really know what I'm going to do.... I start at 2 tomorrow so I don't really need to sleep early? But then I also have a literature exam tomorrow and I should probably study for that? Anyway! See you tomorrow!

Let's have a picture of an otter to finish this off! (or what I call, water bears)

Our usual Lazy Saturday ritual was cancelled this week since Ling had to go to her tutorial (I think?). THEREFORE. I WOKE UP AT 1PM!

I stayed in bed until 1:50 heh. I then went out with my mom for brunch and groceries! I had to go pick up Ling's package (damn you, grumpy post lady). When we were done with groceries, my mom was too tired to cook (yeah shopping tires her out) SO she sent me out to buy k-food... #deliveryGirl

Then I think there's a blank........... I don't remember what I did exactly but I was on my laptop doing stuff..... or not. I watched some k-drama and yeaaaaah. Forgot about this LOL. 

Welp. Even if it wasn't my usual Lazy Saturday, it was still 100% lazy :D

IT'S FRIDAY!! I only had 1 class today so i finished at 11:45 today and rushed home to receive a package (which I missed by 8 minutes). And I think I saw the truck on my way home.

For some reason I had faith in FedEx and expected them to make a 2nd attempt but nope. had to go pick it up. I would've been okay picking up a package from any other popular shipping company (UPS, Purolator, Canada Post, DHL) BUT the closest FedEx was VERY FAR (by bus) and the buses only came every 20~30 mins. 

This damn FedEx. In the middle of nowhere and near the airport. Legit thought I was gonna get crushed by landing planes.

The infamous package that I missed by 8 MINUTES.

All that for this. My birthday present from my aunt!

I left the house at 1:50 and got back at 4:00 OTL. 
Since my aunt is going to be gone for the next 4 months (missing my birthday), she decided to buy me my gift before she leaves!! SOOO NEW BAG!!!! (it's the 4th time she bought me a bag for my birthday. How odd.) I wouldn't have bought it with my own money since this is way out of my budget but very thankful she got it for me ^^

Once I got home, I had to cook for my mom because she was tired. eh. It was a lazy meal anyway (kimchi fried rice) so hehe.

I feel like I'm turning into a granny or a kid idk. I need a nap everyday. Like even if I don't intend to nap, I end up napping anyway. I guess this will come back a lot in this thread of updates #naps.

Dear FedEx, please have more accessible locations.

"What the heck? Out of nowhere?" Yes and no. I was looking for pictures to put into my Powerpoint and Ling told me to look back on my every day updates to find one. THESE ARE LIKE DIARIES #NOSTALGIA (it's only been a year but hey. still)

For real though. I was singing Christmas songs this morning and my friends got very annoyed. 

I woke up at 7 today since I had a gym class at 8. Then, I came back home, took a shower, ate some nuts and went back out to my Accounting class (ha. how fun). IT WAS MY LAST ACCOUNTING CLASS OF THE SEMESTER. The teacher is basically a teammate at this point, helping me find the answers during the exam and taking care of me hihi. Once I was done (around 1:15) I got to head back homeeeee!!! 

Not proud to say this but, I slept. I was supposed to start working on my french oral but I slept. I took a 1 hour nap, then spent some time online and fell asleep again while watching videos. I then woke up at 9:00PM to Ling telling me to write my update but I went to eat instead O:) #ily2Ling

But yes. Today was a good day honhonhon. Good start of the month!

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