Saturday, December 31, 2016


Shared by Ling @ H1ME

DAY 31

Eyy!! Finally the last day of the month, but also the last day of the year!!
I'm kinda writing this in a rush because I'm about to go out now.

To be very honest, my morning was very unproductive? Legit, I slept through MBC Gayo because I was too lazy to get up, then I woke up around 12PM? Yeah, not so productive for a last day of the year.
Honestly, I wouldn't have gone out today and stay in bed hihi~

Since we're having hotpot tonight as a family, I had to go out and buy some meat.. We're having hotpot with H1ME tomorrow too!! Hihi ♥

So while shopping I found these Big Bang drinks hihi~ There was only 4 of them? I don't remember I just saw Daesung and went OH! But no, I didn't buy one hahahhahh

I also saw Yerin on a grape juice at the Korean Market, but didn't buy that one either... I'm forever loyal to the peach drink even if it's SinB on it. What is Yuju? Imma Google that later hihihi~
Actually, I Googled now #curiosity, and it seems like only SinB (Peach) Yerin (Grape) Group (Apple)? Eh, oh well.

The day's pretty gloomy for a last day of the year, but then it was snowing a lot too~

DAY 30

I slept so so late last night?? I don't even remember what I did... I watched Focus and got interrupted a few times so I didn't finish it within 1h40 LOL

OH YEAH! I GOT INTO JUN AGAIN!! I have no idea man. It just happened and I was like holy Jun. Okay, why am I being like this right now. Now is Joshua Woozi. Yessu ♥

I made food today and got burned....... You can get burned with olive oil. Yeah it's oil but I got burned and now I am blaming the olive oil. It hurts.

Anyway, I went to work for the whole night and just got back not long ago. Parents went out to the Teochew gathering while I was stuck at the dépanneur FOODLESS!!
But it wasn't too bad because we're now getting our fried chicken from Basak hihi. Nothing better than fried chicken with good old beer~

My dropbox won't update so no picture for today although I probably didn't do anything that needed me to take picture tho? My phone's too far so I don't remember hihi~

DAY 29


Another early update because I want to watch Focus and don't want to get disturbed while watching the movie to write every day hihi~

Anyway, I woke up pretty late today? Actually, no. I woke up for Yang Nam Show, but went back to sleep because I was too lazy to get out of the bed, but I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch the KBS Gayo show. Although I should've watched Yang Nam Show cuz it looked funny, but oh well. 97 line is really really nice, but I do not support the dabbing friendship, no. But I do live for MonstaSeventeen okay. ♥

Man, I just realized that two of Erika hubbies are 97 line, DK and Yugyeom, ouhlala ♥

Anyway, I rushed to the bank today because I legit got scared and transferred my account but it was legit false alarm.......... Thanks......... But whatever, it's done so eh. Basically my advisor or however you call them legit know my whole personal life. Because you see, if you Asian and meet Asian worker, you talk about everything from the moment you born to the very second you alive okay hihi~

Anyway, after that I wanted to go to UPS to drop off a mail, but didn't wanted to walk 10 minutes under the cold, so I decided not to, but then I was already at Guy, but then I ended up staying outside for 20 minutes to wait for the next bus because I was too lazy to take the metro, so I should've went to UPS because tomorrow snow gonna be more -_- #FailLing holy smokes. failling like failing. HOLY SMOKES DISCOVERY OF THE DAY YO!!!

It doesn't look that much snow but it was really snowing and I don't like winter, I don't know how I'm Canadian #LingtheFakeCanadian

DAY 28

Hola!! Early update today!!
I need to sleep early so I can wake up and watch Yang Nam Show, then Gayo Daechukje or KBS Festival thingy or wtv you call that one.

So I kinda slept in today although I wanted to pass by the bank before doing to Erika's place... But eh, you know me :D

I got my 2nd exit today and it was really bad? Like the dude kept making me drive straight, blinded by the sun although we could've turned SO MANY TIMES ALREADY!! Is this revenge for the last exit hihihihihihi

But yeah, I didn't really do much today to be honest. Eh. I guess I'm spending my break like this...

I'm still amazed every time I take the Azur, it's just very different from the old ones... I thought I focused on the back? But seems like technology master Ling took over and it didn't happen hihihihi

DAY 27

Hm. I honestly didn't do much today except to cry about Seventeen, or more like Performance unit today. Hihi ♥

I woke up around 11AM? Then, I stayed in bed watching videos until 4PM... Yeah, such productive day! After that, I started to do laundry. Went to the store for an hour? To install some security cameras. Actually, I wasn't the one installing, but telling my dad where to put them hihi

And that's about it for my day. Yep.. The most productive of the month! :D

DAY 26

AYO! I woke up at 7AM this morning to watch Gayo Daejeon only to go back to sleep after an hour? Well, after Hyuna hihi~ I wasn't going to stay up for the 3hrs man, especially since I had to be up at 10AM to go out. BUT THEN I MISSED OUT ON THE UNDERAGE KIDS DANCING TO WHO'S YOUR MAMA AND HOLY SMOKES BUT YEAH MYYOON.

Anyway, we went Dim Sum like every year's tradition before Boxing Day. I'd post a picture but we eat like pigs, so no picture hihi~

We initially wanted to get me winter boots, but we ended up buying nothing. I guess this year was just eh.. Like we legit spent like 6 hours shopping and walking everywhere, but then we only stayed in downtown and I'm always there so many it's eh..

When we were getting back home, everything was already freezing but you know me. I don't really fall that easily? I don't want to curse myself but I was walking normally while everyone else were taking their time, it was funny to watch HAHAHAHHA

Anyway, I watched Hello Counselor for Byungchan (duh) and that's probably it for my day? Yep. Amazing.

We went to C&T and I ended up just picking the peach stuffs :D #peachesarelove

DAY 25

Ehh I had to wake up at 11AM this morning although I wanted to sleep in because we got back home at 3AM last night... My parents are so amazing.. How do they survive with barely 5 hours of sleep man. I mean, I usually sleep not that much either, but I still get naps.

Anyway, my grandpa made us get to his place at 4:30PM because someone had to leave early... Ended up we started to eat at 6PM like usual anyway and she even left after us -_-
Yeah, I'm not close with that cousin, doubt any of the children are, except for the older ones. And her baby... Eh... Yeah... She was running naked everywhere. I don't know about her son tho? I think he stayed back home with my aunt in Ottawa #TMI

Anyway, so it's the typical hot pot at our grands, nothing much happened. I was really sleepy, and still am. I have this headache and please don't let it be a migraine because I have to wake up early tomorrow for Boxing Day..... ♥

 The kids made me go out ALONE in the dark and cold to get snacks, like such nice kids.

BUT I FOUND THIS PEACH DRINK!! It tastes like those canned peaches but oh well, it was still kinda peachy ♥

Hope you all had fun with your loved ones yo. I mostly worked and slept and ate, but meh. Still got what I need, food. Hihi~

DAY 24


I got woke up so early today... Actually, well I got up at 8AM to watch Seventeen Christmas V Live, then I had to get out of bed to go open the dépanneur #amazing

After that, I worked on commissions until 3PM? Or maybe earlier, then I was back at the dépanneur until 6PM. Got home to finally get food for the day. Actually, just got a simple (well not so simple because extra cheese yo) grill cheese for me and my sister, then went on some movie trailer binge hihi

Just got out of shower and about to leave to my aunt's for Christmas Eve dinner!! Yeah, we eat after 11PM, cuz we cool like this.

No picture cuz eh. Bye people. Have good time with family!!


DAY 23

Hm.. I went to bed pretty early, around 4-5AM, okay now that I say it like that, it's not early anymore HHAHAHAH

Anyway, I went out with my sisters today. It was amazing. We went out at 12PM, I thought we went out at 2PM, I don't know how but yeah....

We were supposed to rush home after eating but eh, we took our time because life in a rush is not too fun. So we went for a quick bubble tea.. Every since my mom banned bbt at home, we been drinking more outside, this is so bad man hihi

Anyway yeah.. I'm finishing up xXx and heck I always love this movie. Someone please suggest me more movies because I've been watching the same over and over because they are amazing hihi

 Oh yeah, if it's sisters outing, it obviously had to do with fried chicken, well not always but fried chicken the best man ♥

DAY 22

So I watched M!Countdown at night because it was Christmas special and it's nice to have Christmas stuffs since it's in 3 days, woohoo! I'll have to remember to do my every day before 10PM since I'll be mostly out for the next few days. Hihi ♥

Anyway! I wanted to watch Yang Nam MC show, I'm not sure what it's called.. I should google it since Eric is one of the MC LOL I thought Seventeen would be a guest or something but NO! THEY ONLY CAME FOR A MINUTE PERFORMANCE OF BOOMBOOM TO CHRISTMAS SONGS!! Man, it was 7AM and I stayed until then.

I woke up pretty late today and stayed in house the whole day, because I was lazy, hihi.. I was actually supposed to clean up my room but I got distracted by other things :D

I'm watching xXx right now which it why I'm late for the every day, but eh. The movies are pretty good for a 2002 2005. I'm getting excited to see the return in January with Kris in it hihihihihihi ♥

My breakfast, lunch and supper.... He..........


DAY 21

Miracle, I didn't stay up for the music show last night because I was way too tired.... Worst... I slept in until 3PM despite the nice day outside. Amazing.

I had to leave to my grandparents house at 6PM since it's pray day. I'm not sure which day it is.. But it's the November one... I'm sorry, I'm a real bad Buddhist....

But yeah, right before that, I ran to the bank and got back home at 5:25PM, just on time to leave hihihihih~ And then horror, a huge traffic so we only got to my grandparents at 6:20PM? Yeah, a bit very late LOL

Anyway, so the kids minus Haneul talked about life and all. I'm going to be very emo, but like everyone's growing up and be talking about life stuffs and it's amazing. Like legit. Wow. I mean yeah, everyone's still under 20 (hihi), but still, everyone's tall and big now. Last time I saw my cousin, he was barely taller than me, now he's over a head taller, such amazingness, even if that word doesn't exists.

Erika said it was a nice day, but the roads were a bit ew because it was warm so the snow was melting and ehhhh I don't really like slushy roads..

DAY 20

So another long but short day...

I slept pretty early last night, although it wasn't exactly that early LOL But I still slept early and somehow woke up at 6AM then I watched some Seventeen stuffs and slept until 11AM to get ready to go to the dentist to get the cavity repaired.

AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT THAT AFTER THAT SHOT YOUR WHOLE FACE IS FROZEN AND WHEN YOU SMILE ONLY ONE SIDE SMILES??? Erika laughed at me when I got to her house but I legit always thought I could only smile with one side. I'm sad.

The sky was pretty dark for 12:20AM? It wasn't cold cold, but it was still pretty cold. 

So yeah, I spent euh... 5 hours at Erika's? Maybe 6? I'm not sure to remember.... But yeah. Sandy also came over for Wi-Fi.. Yeah..... But we had some talk and what did we even do... Oh my Yoon... I don't even remember what we did.. But we talked and sat on the sofa and laughed. Yeah. #RapperMCLinginDaHOUSE!

Erika brought back cheesecake from Uncle Tetsu! Basically my lunch LOL 

Sandy leaving me to go to her babies because I wanted bubble tea and her cousins were home..

DAY 19

Eh.. I had a lazy day last time, and today is just as lazy...

I actually planned on going out today but my dad said it'll be really really cold, so I decided against it and wanted to clean up my room instead but eh... yeah... Didn't happen, although I did threw up a lot of trash since it's trash day tomorrow hihi~

My mom actually woke me up today at 1PM to talk to the Bell people because of our Internet being slow and being the Asian we are, we're getting a discount and new modem hihi. Then, I had to call Rogers because I'm switching to Fido soon. Then the insurance company for my mom's paper stuffs. So many calls...

But yeah, after that around 3PM, me and my sister got hungry so we wanted take-out. And waited for the other sister to come home at 4PM, and we had our sisters moment, of course!

Despite being really lazy today, I did get a lot of e-mail work done. #sospecific But yeah, I got about 26 accounts done in about 3 hours? Amazing.

That's it. No picture today, sorreh.

DAY 18

So. My day kinda ended at like 5AM? To be honest, I'm not even sure to remember but I stayed until pretty late because yeah...

Anyway, at 3AM, my sister and I decided to open that huge bag of popcorn. And let me tell you. I HAVEN'T HAD SUCH GOOD POPCORN IN SO SO LONG. It's not exactly guilt-free, but it's still so good. And organic LOL But yeah, we legit got a bowl each and just wow. It's really good. We usually aren't even big fans of popcorn, so we weren't sure why our mom bought it? Like it's been sitting there for like a month? But wow, we'll probably finish that so quick because man it's really good.

Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn

Anyway, my day wasn't as eventful as my night... LOL I just went to work tfrom 1PM to 7PM, and that's probably it? When I got home..... Oh yeah, I wait for my sister to bring back Subway cookies ♥ And went to talk with my other sister to cheer her up for her exams starting tomorrow. 

I gotta be the best sister okay. My cheer was so loud and energetic that I got kicked out of her room :D

Frozen rain at 3AM, I was expecting the roads to be slippery the next morning, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday? Warmer and less slippery despite that rain, amazing.

PS: Erika's writing her every day tomorrow ♥

DAY 17


Eh... I don't know how I slept at 6AM, but I did. Again.. But I really didn't mean to. After watching Show Champion, I was hungry so made myself some cheesy omelette, I was really craving that okay. So since I ate, I couldn't sleep right away, so I decided to watch a movie. I really wanted to watch District 9, but it was kinda long so I went with Lucy. And to be very honest, I don't understand the movie LOL Maybe because it was so late at night, but then yeah... Weird movie...

So yeah, I spent the day at the dépanneur and that's probably it for my day. Because I took a nap from 6-8PM. I really can't live a day without a nap now, it's really bad.. I'm spending my 20th year napping all the time.


DAY 16

Oh, we're almost the end of the year... Half a month and we'll be bye bye 2016.

Anywa, so.. Last night I decided to stay up for music show.. I think Music Bank? Man... It ended at 4:30AM ishy, and I stayed up a bit longer to get ready to bed.. Then Seventeen had their vlive for their 2nd win #BoomBoom2ndWin ♥
So basically I slept at a bit past 5AM, but I had to wake up around 6:30AM to catch the bus at 7:15AM with my sister hihi

So yeah.. Orthodontist appointment at 8AM, but I got there 9 minutes late.. I wasn't going to walk in the cold, MINUS THIRTY, so I had to wait for the bus to come which was only at 7:57AM, amazing. Yeah, so the check up was only total 6 minutes???? Like I had to wake up so so sooo early for a 6 minute check up??????

Anyway, then I went to Second Cup and got myself a hot drink because it's so hella cold outside. Please ship me to the South. I'm ready to go any time.

After, I went to Erika's place and packed some stuffs until 1PMsomething, then I decided I had to go to school to fix some stuffs BUT THEN! The office was closed at 1:30PM and I got there at 1:56PM! What a bad timing... I guess I'll go when school starts again in January... SAd....

So yeah, after that I headed home. MET ERIKA'S BROTHER THAT I SOMEHOW DIDN'T RECOGNIZE. Took a nap and only woke up at 8PM because mommy made food ♥

Amazing day, right :D

I don't really have a picture for today, so there you go. My light blue medium-sized cup of London Fog!

DAY 15

Eh.. Last minute update.. I have 3 minutes until a new day hahahah Will I be done by then, idk let's see how fast I type but then I don't wanna type fast I need to remember what I did today HHAHAHA

Okay, to be honest I didn't do much today.

Like usual, I watched music show for Seventeen.. I think it was M!Countdown? Yeah, because it was Mwave.. Stupid Mwave. Yeah, me no likey Mwave much. But anyway, Seventeen won! Woohoo! #BoomBoom1stWin ♥

So I slept until 12PM, ishy? Mind you I slept until then but I didn't study yet but my exam was at 7PM, I'm having this real bad habit now... Only studying to study a whole semester course in one hour.. How do I do that, I don't know myself. I'm doomed HHAHAHA But then, the exam wasn't too too hard I think? I could've done better if I had studied more and practiced more problems but I didn't because I was lazy.

After I was done with the exam, I walked out of the classroom (duh) and the teacher was coming and he had to see me.............. So I'll be giving a speech/presentation thingy about some idk what contracts thing for his company because he thought I did well during the oral presentations, thanks sir, I hope that was a 100% please I need that grade HAHAHAHHAH

Oh no it's already midnight. Oh well, too bad.

So after the exam, I had to wait for the bus, about 10 minutes? Ishy. So I went to get bubble tea for me and my sisters, I'm so nice, wow.

Because the end of a semester isn't the end until I get a bubble tea ♥


PS: I hate life tho. It's so cold I am dead. Yes, goodbye people, I don't exist this is my ghost.

DAY 14

Hola! Finally on time after so long!

So.. I kinda started my day at 2PM? I guess?
I legit slept at 7AM last night because I was watching Show Champion. Sadly, Seventeen didn't win but it's B1A4, so I'm not surprised hihi~

Anyway, I spent my whole night at doing anything but studying which was really bad... So I went to sleep, woke up at 12PM, got ready to study but I had this headache so decided to sleep some more until 1PM, and asked my sister to wake me up, BUT NO I WOKE UP AT 1:36PM. But since she forgot to wake me up, I made her go out to get me milk so I could get the milk tea I well deserve hihi

After that, I tried studying a bit but couldn't really.. I ended up deciding on reviewing the Final 2013 because the handwriting got me?

But then I got distracted by BTS ticket sales. I don't even know why I'm being like this. First Big Bang, now BTS hihi...

So yeah, I only started to study for real at like 5PM... Which was really not cool because I had to leave the house at 6:30PM to get to school on time for the exam at 7PM, yeah.... BUT! I guess I got lucky? The exam was exactly the same as the 2013, except different numbers. Like legit, I'm glad I remembered the steps so it was easier. But then also, I feel like the exam was kinda easy? I'm not surprised tho, since the coordinator of this course was pissed last year since everyone was failing LOL

ALSO! I met a new friend ♥ He was saying bye to his friend "See you later alligator" and by habit I replied "In a while crocodile" AND THEN WE WERE LIKE O U O Yeah, that moment we knew we were new BFF hihi ♥

Does it ever happen to you.. When the handwriting is so ugly, but you kinda like it and you keep staring at it instead of studying....

DAY 13

Eh... I forgot to update again......

Anyway, not like I did much today. What did I even do. I slept pretty late? For what, I don't know. But I know I slept late HAHAHAHAHAH

I was supposed to study today because I got a final tomorrow and the day after, which means close to no updates because study study all day until 7PM exam~ But yeah, it's past midnight and I haven't started studying at all... Good luck to me...

Legit all I did today was eat chestnuts, chestnuts and more chestnuts.... I don't think I even had a proper meal aside from chestnuts today... This is kinda bad..... omy... 


DAY 12

Wow.. I legit forgot to update but it's like 20 minutes late so I'm earlier than Erika O:)

Anyway. Sandy messaged me at 2AM to meet up with her at 11AM at school because she wanted some food and bubble tea.. And I agreed.. Only issues, I couldn't sleep until 6AM so I ended just sleeping 4 hours since she woke me up at 10AM saying she was done with her exam so I rushed to school... Only to have no restaurants opened yet, but like who eats at that time anyway...

We ended up going to both Korean market on Ste-Catherine, because we're cool like this. We found these amazing juices, and I gave Erika the strawberry one that apparently her brother really really likes so we're most likely going back LOL

Anyway, we ended up eating at Monami for friend chicken, obviously! Plus, I got my cravings for Kimchi Fried Rice, but it was just okay. I guess the Kimchi was a bit old? Because it was too sour like like old ones. Yeah...

Soy Garlic Fried Chicken (Half) + Kimchi Friend Rice

Then, we went to NosThés, of course. We got Erika to come over too, but obviously, Sandy leaves first and we stayed until 8PM kinda. We're ready to plan for our trip to Toronto in May. Well not really ready since we plan a general thing, but not specific.... But yeah. We got some stuffs done :D

No one was there except for us~ #LettingOutOurCrazyTime

DAY 11

I really wanted to be productive today and study.......... But it didn't happen....

I woke up pretty early this morning, around 9AM, did some laundry and went back to take a nap at 1PM... THEN SURPRISE! It was already 5PM, well 5:08PM to be exact. I don't know why I keep waking up at 8 minutes.

Holy smokes, I just realized I didn't even go outside.. I'm started to hibernate before I even finish my finals omy. This is bad hahahahah...

Sorry I got no picture today.. Legit didn't do anything except for eating and sleeping.

DAY 10

I LEGIT SLEPT IN AGAIN THIS MORNING AT WOKE UP AGAIN AT 8:08AM.. For the same tutorial..... Is this a curse haha But this time, I somehow got ready much faster, but when I got to the metro, I had to wait 8 MINUTES!!!! for the train to come, what a joke...

This is our sky at 8:30AM... Like why so dark man..  

ISN'T THE HALLWAY CREEPY??? I had to go through this late at night on Monday.. Imagine how scary that was.. I really don't like the Science department hahahha 

I always upload a picture of the tutorial so there you go~

So yeah.. After that what did I do.... I don't even remember what I did for the rest of the day.. Like what did I even do before watching Inkigayo.....

YO ALSO! I DIDN'T WATCH BUT JUST SAW THE SCORES AND MONTREAL 10 COLORADO 1?? Crazy score, wish I watched the game haha..

It's like 11:30PM, and I decided to make the Matcha Instant Rament I bought the other day,,,,

It looked so cool and green so I bought it hihi

It's actually not bad? I don't know what I was expecting.. But the noodles taste like regular noodles? Except not as chewy as regular Paldo noodles... But the overall of the rament is like regular fishy taste LOL
I'd rate this a 3 out of 5 because I wouldn't exactly get this more? Like why spend the same amount for 4 packs of green noodles if I can get the same price for 5 packs of regular noodles O:) #cheapo


I didn't really do anything today. I slept at 6AM, because I was watching Music Bank, then I studied a bit before going to bed. Actually, maybe I slept at 7AM? I don't know.. I was on my phone and when I got tired, that's when I slept LOL

When I woke up, I almost had a heart attack because we didn't change the time of the home phone and I thought it was 3PM... But like waking up at 2PM isn't good either hihihihihi.....

Anyway, that's it for today. Final at 7PM, and done about 20 minutes before 10PM. I really hate staying until the end cuz it somehow more stressful when they keep saying the time every two seconds man..

ALSO! This dude next to me omg.... I was okay, like Ling never really stresses for exams, and he legit shakes, and writes, flips pages, erases so loudly. I could feel his stress, and that made me stress a bit.

I always study from past exams.. People need practice practice practice but not me O:)


Eh.. what did I even do today... I woke up at 11AM, worked a 2 hours shift, came back home to take a "nap" ends up it was already 5PM when I woke up...

My sister usually gets home at 4:30PM, so I went downstairs to her room and we talked and yeah. That's probably all I did today.

To think that I wanted to go out for some pastries but didn't wanted to waste my study time travelling to downtown, and instead I wasted it for sleep. Not really waste tho, cuz sleep over anything except food, hihi~

The beginning of the snowstorm at La Pointe around 6:30PM?

I was going to take a picture at 6PM, or like 6:07PM to be more precise, when it just started to snow, but I was too lazy to take my phone out and thought of doing it later, but who knew just 10 minutes later, it became a snowstorm.. This was still early, and it probably snowed more, but oh well. Not going back out..

ALSO! My otters arrived. Not real otters (I wish), but plushies. But they're still adorable otters ♥

Christmas is coming real soon, perfect gift is to adopt an animal via WWF:
Do it for the love of them animals ♥


Hm.... I don't even remember what I did today because I feel like I barely did anything....

The teddy bear is still up there, same position as last night, amazing.
I just noticed how dark the sky is at 8AM..... 

Anyway, I got my dentist appointment at 9AM today, and got them all washed and cleaned! Unfortunately I got a cavity... Not surprised tho LOL With all the sugar I consume.. Man, I was kinda expecting more but they were like nah you got a pretty healthy hygiene, I was amazed.


Then, I went to Erika's place since I had two hours before my first driving exit... And I must say it was really really eventful.... Hihi ♥

To the person's car I bumped while turning, I'm so so sorry. It was apparently "no big deal" but eh. Trust me for speeding and driving straight, but turns aren't really my forte.. I get it like one time out of 4? Yes, because 4 is a bad luck number, therefore out of 4.

Then for the rest of the day, I spent it half nap half working shifts. So meh, not much.

Oh yeah! I tasted these veggie crisps, and it's pretty good, but also pretty weird? It got carrots, peas and tomatoes. I don't know if I'd buy them again, but I guess it makes me half healthy because it kinda better than potato chips? Hihi

(Dare) Veggie Crips, Sea Salt


Ha... Another morning waking up early for a tutorial... Seriously tho, I don't really like morning schedules, my brain just not there.. And tomorrow I gotta wake up early too... Sad me...

Oh yeah! I have to mention. I woke up this morning and pretty much blasted Highlight because my sister was already gone, so I had to floor for myself and I just felt like listening to my favorite boys' song.

I was actually post the one from downtown, but it didn't look as good as this one and I kinda like the sun effect it's like 'woah ling got awesome picture skills' #praisingmyself #thanks 

Anyway, I took the bus just to get to the metro even though I could've just walked like 5 minutes away... But lazy morning me ain't go no legs for that hihi~

I don't even understand how do people get there so early? The tutor was late anyway LOL

I must say, the tutor is really really cute. Like personality wise. He always buys us Coke Zero (idk why Zero, but yeah) and even got us donuts today... Such sweetie aw :')

But sadly no bad or good jokes today...

So yeah, before class, I went to grab a quick breakfast at Tim Hortons and also got a tea so that I can stay awake during the whole 4 hours.. I must say, I kinda understand this accounting course more... I guess?

The location was actually at EVO.. I always wanted to dorm there, cuz the ads are always so fancy like wow. And when I got in, it's actually really fancy... Not like I wasn't expecting.. It's basically between Hilton hotel and the Lotto-Québec place. So like that row of buildings all A+

Should I even add the chandelier's picture? Nah.. Too lazy O:)

Next, after the tutorial was over, I kinda ditched my friends since I wanted to pass by the stationary store.. They were going back to school for some research thing for a class that I did euh,, Last year? I guess they're behind me in core courses, but I'm behind them in major courses LOL

Nota Bene, my go-to place even tho it's hella expensive...

I kinda regretted going there? I mean, I did get my usual notebook for next semester.. but on my way back to the metro, some commissary people stopped me.... Me our of all the people. Me who had my earbuds on. Me who have complete no interest in those things. I'm sorry for being rude, but I really don't bother about Christianity except for Christmas and Easter (for the chocolate sales....)

I'd put their info here in case anyone in Montreal is interested, but I'm too lazy to take a picture of the "business card" they gave LOL

Anyway, after that, I somehow got to Les Cours Mont-Royal, probably by habit or something? I didn't even realize I got there because I was texting Erika then I looked up and went like ??? How I got here??? But meh, I went to get a caramel green tea frappe at UGreenT... which wasn't too good because it was a new worker.. But oh well, it was free anyway, after my many times forgetting to get my free reward drink LOL

Oh yeah. After that I decided I wanted to take the bus home from Guy-Concordia Station even tho I could've just take like 3-4(?) stations and get home instead of a 20 minutes bus ride hahahah
BUT! At that time when I got wifi, I got Erika's message saying she wanted to come to NosThés so we decided to catch up since we missed #LazySaturday and made it #LazyTuesday instead~

I was already on the bus when we agreed to meet up... And since the bus does a u-turn kinda thing, I just got back out near the same place and the driver was so confused hahahah

This is Erika dreaming about Mark Tuan O:)
Actually not really, but I like to think like this so this is my caption O:)
#Cheolikainperson #Marikaatheart


On my way home walking and I saw this big thing in a tree, I got scared but still got closer... Ends up a huge teddy bear stuck up there?????

Do I write too much for my every day entry?? This is legit becoming like a diary omy*...

* It used to be "oh my God" but now it's "oh my Yoon" All hail Yoon Jeonghan.


The fifth day of the month, and I have never hated a Monday so much in my whole life...
I mean, maybe not that much hate, now that I write it out hihi..

So I stayed up until 5AM to finish touching up the group project.. Let's say that was done. Then I took a nap until 6AM for Seventeen's comeback showcase L!I!K!E!H!O!L!Y!S!M!O!K!E!S!!!!! I don't know how I ever thought of stanning less the boys.

Anyway, back to the day. First, it snowed..
Montreal Downtown, around 4PM

Then comes the stupid oral presentation. I swear. This group is a bunch of coocoo heads. I didn't mind doing someone else's part so last minute, like okay I can improvise, but like the whole group was a mess. We ended up with a 70%, but to be very honest, I'd totally give us 10% for effort? It was such a joke seriously. 

I didn't wanted to stay for the last presentation since I was just so pissed and we could leave, so I left. As a good accounting student I am, I went to the tutorial we missed on Saturday instead!! Tomorrow's the last session.. Ha... Death on Friday... 

It was so so creepy to get there... Legit the school was so empty, I thought I was in a haunted house or something.. I ended up getting there right at the break..

Oh yeah! A random dude I met on my way to the tutorial complimented me, so that legit made me forget being mad. #howtocalmlingdown #complimenther #lingbequeen #frenchisanicelanguage

So yeah, I ended my day with more studying... Seriously, the finals period are the worst...

ALSO! The new tutor told us a joke cuz he wanted a "break", it was so so funny, although no one laughed except for me and my friend. So he basically started by asking us if we wanted a good joke or bad joke and someone said bad joke.., 

Q: How do you make a giraffe enter a refrigerator? 
Class: ..................
A: Open the door. Make it go in. Close the door!!

Then someone asked what about the good joke? 

Q: The Lion King dies, so everyone comes to the funeral thing. Every animal, just goes. But one animal doesn't.. Which one?
Class; ..................

Thee tutor was so proud of his joke he legit 'KABOOM' after that it was so funny hahahahha!

Anyway yeah, that was my long Monday.


Updating early today, because I legit didn't do anything, sadly.. The laziest I've ever been really...

I woke up pretty early today to see if we got an e-mail to confirm whether we're having our tutorial session today or not, and ends up that we didn't get any information so I decided to go back to sleep, but then my friends call me to say they're there and it's cancelled.. Poor them.. The tutor is still very sick, but they rescheduled the dates and found another tutor.. Although the dates aren't too convenient for me, but meh. Getting a refund lah~

Eh.... Amazingly, there's really no picture to today.. I kinda tried to stay away from my phone as much as possible so that I'm not "online" on Messenger, or else my groupmates would need me to work on more stuffs... But I already stayed up until 5AM finishing almost the whole part so meh. My time to rest O:) #itheworstteammate #youkindadontwantmeinyourgroup #butimfunnytoo

Since there was no tutorial, I legit slept in until like 3PM... Hihi...
Seventeen's album + MV are out, but I'm not watching or listening those yo. I heard a clip of Mingyu singing, and I'm very very bye. Like so so bye, it's holy bye.

But yeah, after that, I spent my day doing what I usually do on Sunday; laundry, school work, YouTube hihihihihi~


OY! I legit forgot about Every Day until 1:04AM hihi..

Anyway, today wasn't too much either. I slept around 3AM? Then slept in until 8:08AM, man I was screwed. Tutorial was at 9AM, and all the way to Berri-UQAM! But! I still somehow managed to get to class 2 minutes before, but then the tutor starts like 15 minutes later.. Thank bro.

So yeah, another class of tutoring. Unfortunately, the tutor got sick (food poisoning) so couldn't teach the night session... And might now tomorrow either.... Like dude, the final's Friday. I understand he's sick, but can't they get another tutor or something...

Everyone arrived before me, but they all kept me a spot front row, hihi~
But then not really hihi because I was legit falling asleep right in front of the tutor.. Sorry monsieur..

So yeah, after tutoring, I rushed to a group meeting for my other class.. It was a disaster. Again, I really want to rant, but I guess oh well. I'll be spending another night and hopefully don't sleep in tomorrow!!

When the meeting was done, my sister was studying at my school so I went to see her and rant to her friend and her. I had to talk to someone okay. Not sorry for wasting your study time hahahah~

Oh yeah! Right before group meeting, I went to Sushi Shop with my friends to grab lunch, and I got Smoky Salmon and something I don't remember... To be honest, I didn't quite like them... I ate quickly with my sister and since neither her friend or her like sushi, I was kinda suffering trying to finish it. But meh, at least I finished half of it?

Like always, I didn't finish the food... Sorry...

Then went back home, ordered some take out food and got some sisters time... HOLY SMOKES I ALSO FORGOT MY BUBBLE TEA!! Oh whatever, it's still cold.... O:)

And that's basically it for my day.. Boring eh? Just very stressful for running everywhere. 
Tomorrow might not be much either.. It's not confirmed if we got tutoring or not since the tutor's still sick.. But if he's absent, I'm running to Erika's for fun ♥ Joke, just going there to pick up stuffs. Then, I'll get back home and hopefully catch some sleep.. That's if there's no tutoring.. If there is... 9AM to 10PM! Hurray! 


Hola! I legit didn't do anything today...
I mean, yeah, I did but not like going out kinda thing.

I slept around 5AM to finish an assignment, although I could've stayed up to watch MAMA, I didn't hih. #sleepoverboys #sorrynotsorry

Then I woke up around 12PM, went back to sleep at 1PM until 2:30PM, and then ate some food and got ready for my tutorial. Such boring day really.. This weekend will be the most boring weekend I'll ever have since I'll be sitting in a classroom from 9AM to 10PM, fun!!

I actually get my 7-8 hours of sleep even tho I don't sleep at night, it's amazing okay.

This was before the tutorial started.. After that, I just died. I love accounting, I really do.. 
Yeah yeah, I didn't sit front row, but listen. I got lost and security helped me so I legit got to class very late.


Woo woo ♥ We're finally back with every day with #alien ~
The blog has been pretty much dead lately because we got so much busier with school and life stuffs.. Erika and I were looking at our old posts and got nostalgic, so voilà! We're back!!

Anyway. To starts this beautiful month, I legit just went to school to attend my two accounting last classes and came back home to work on assignments. Such wonder. I'd totally be ranting right now about my group mates, but I'll be nice and won't...
^ I'm lying, I dislike November to February, almost March (sorry Erika!!), because it's so so cold.

Oh yeah. I'm so so sick, I don't even know how I'm still awake hihi.. Been coughing the whole night, barely got any sleep, happiness. If I end up having boring entries.. Err... Oh well. Finals are going to start next week and I only have one last class left on Monday.. Woohoo! Or not really woohoo because hell is gonna start soon....

This is basically how ugly we're starting December in Montreal.. It's rainy and cold.. Sad...

I'd totally be like the usual me right now and post a selfie to start this post, but err... I look like an old granny live because yeah. Altho grannies rock too hihi~

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