Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Very Frozen Day

Shared by Ling @ H1ME

Hey people!
So today isn't my turn for the every day or anything.. but like I just had to share this today, hihi.

So basically today was a very freezing day in Montreal. I think it was like -19°C out there. I don't think you get that from HaNeul's every day since she seemed to be so cozy in her little room LOL

But in my area, everything was frozen and we had fun skating on ice and yeah. What a great day! Although it was bad, it was funny to see people slip and fall on their booty. Hihihi. Almost half of my quarter had no electricity and Erika sadly didn't either. HaNeul and I are part of the lucky ones who did. But I still went out to play because it was just too awesome to miss that, despite the rain. Hihi.


OH OH oooh! At some point during the day, around 4 or 5, the sky started to be some sort of purple pink color. It was so hella awesome. To be honest, I'm starting to like Winter for this okay. But the sad thing is that it lasted like 10 minutes and the sky became black black very soon :(

Yep, everything so was frozen that our mailbox was crying. We couldn't even open it LOL

See the update throughtout the day. Basically everything stayed frozen.. Like 10AM was VERY slippery and it was raining quite hard. Then around 4PM, it was less slippery but the ground was more wet, and finally around 6PM, everything froze up again and it was a skating ring! Hihi~

So this is my little update about Montreal's beautiful weather on January 4th! So shoutout to all Montrealers having to deal with this awesome freezing weather, and about 150K people who didn't have electricity!


  1. can you guys update tomorrow on how it is? (how slippery it is and all) thank you!

    1. Hey Kelly! Nice to see that you're interested about Montreal's weather LOL! From what I saw on the weather forecast, the following days will be quite cold, so it might still be a bit slippery.. But I'm not too sure ^^"
      Also, Erika and HaNeul will be heading back to school starting tomorrow so they can update about that, and as for me, I might head out as well, but I'm still not sure~
