Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's a New Year Outing!!

Shared by Ling @ H1ME

YO YO YOOO! So this is our traditional thing to do since last year. Going out to eat on January 1st! Last year we went sushi.... Not very good experience, but hey! We had food? Hihi~

So this year we chose Chinatown for Cantonese cuisine because someone here is learning! Ngo hok Gongdong wa. (Don't ask about spelling, I don't know, I'm sorry...)

We basically ran around Chinatown to 4 different restaurants and we basically ate all day. For about 4 hours. Weepiheyho!


Restaurant Mon Shing
Review: 3 stars

So we ordered a Cantonese style Chow Mein with Shiu Mai. The place was kind of small and we had the seats next to the window. Or well, actually I was facing back to the window. I tried to take a picture.. But yo.. LADY HAS MY CAMERA FEEL. I MEAN LOOK AT HER. CLICK ON THAT PICTURE TO ENLARGE IT AND LOOK AT HER OKAY.

But also, lady was bad. Women be gossiping about us so this rating declined. I mean, yeah, we're friends. But hey we still ate pretty fast? We bring you money, so why you complain. However, I had to be nice because Mr Tall Man with Red Nose was really nice. He made sure that we ate well and always came to look at us. Nice service from him, while women didn't move from their seat and just sat there watching us eat as if we did something wrong...

Back to the food.. It was pretty okay? Nothing too special. It's like any normal Chow Mein. And the Shiu Mai... well.. very shrimpy. I don't know if it's because I've eaten so many Dim Sum before, so my expectations were higher, but these ones weren't exactly good. Even Japanese Sushi Bar was better...

Before we went to the next one, we saw this ad.. It's Mr Bradley people. Anyone who went to Elite Summer Camp knows him. Like come on, it's Mr Loud and Sweaty Principle. Yep, best man ever. Pretty sure all of us four know him LOL


Restaurant Cuisine Cantonaise
Rate: 3½ stars

So more authentic Cantonese cuisine? This time we didn't really want to get too full because we'd be going to other restaurants..

This time, we went for some Seafood porridge. It was pretty good. Not too bland, like pretty exact good taste. Yeah. I'm not a food expert, don't expect me to come up with some fancy words. But yeah, it's pretty tasty and the bowl wasn't too huge, nor too small. Once again, I'm not too sure what's the difference between Cantonese and other Chinese food LOL

Service here wasn't bad. The man was good and quick. Lady spoke Mandarin yo. I caught that. She no Canto. But still, they were okay. Very small space, so I guess it was more friendly than the previous restaurant! OH ALSO. IT SMELLS VERY GOOD THERE. Like even if I was kinda close to full, it made me want to eat more, hihi!


Restaurant Ethan
Rate: Not even ½ star

Okay.......... So this was just so bad, we can't even say anything good about this. We just wanted some desserts because we already ate two meals. And obviously because there were signs outside with very good looking desserts. But unfortunately, they didn't have Taiwanese Shaved Ice. Not even Green Tea ice cream, our second choice.. So we went for Vanilla ice cream and Red bean ice. Very basic, nothing too special. We weren't very fond of the lack of choices although it was on the menu..

About services.. VERY AWFUL. To be honest, I'm just giving a quarter of a star to the nice young waiter. There was the Mr Old sassy man who basically judged us every second, who is very not cool and HAD THE SAME NOSE AS YOUNG WAITER. But yeah. Young waiter was cool and nice. He wasn't too loud and took our order politely. Half-broken English, but still decent. Clumsy, but still fast to clean up with strong smell of that cleaning soap. So yeah, very bad.. The worst of all four.


Boulangerie La Légende
Rate: 2 stars just for Mickey Mouse

Service? Forget that. It was awful. Very very awful. Although it wasn't exactly directed to us but the owner (? I think, but most likely it was..) was being very rude to others. Yeah, foreigners are cool in Chinatown, but he was basically being so fakely nice towards them while to youngsters, he treated them like dirt. I'm sorry Mr Very Old Man, but you know, we bring you money. Yeah?

So the food.. Not any better.. Yeah, we kinda had to expect some bad quality cake.. But we didn't think it'd be that bad? Erika's Green Tea cake was basically a frozen cake. Her teeth gave up on her.. Poor poor teeth. I know mine was Chocolate, but it was waayy too sweet. The amount of sugar in there, oh mama. But I had to be fair and rated this restaurant at least a 2 stars because of Mickey Mouse. Everything is fair when there's Mickey Mouse there. Hihi.


Next stop, we went to the butcher. I don't know, but it was very very intriguing to see Mr Chicken. The way his head was just slopping there. Cute, heh? Feeling sad for those animals that we eat, but they're so good.. So hihi. I had to pick the best angle for the best picture of Mr Chicken ;)

Before the butcher, we stopped by a small Chinese convenience store to pick up some tapioca pearls. It'll be an experiment to get the best pearls to make bubble tea! No longer need to buy $572957290 of NosThés despite the stamp cards, just make our own! Yeah! And these little candies are hella good. I love them! It's small and shiny. There were lots of pink! Although I love the Grape flavor more than the Strawberry flavor... Hihi!

So that concludes our outing. But because I didn't get any drink I had to get something liquid. I ended with up Ginger Green Tea. This brand is pretty okay, very average. More to the sweet side than ginger, but still drinkable!


I went home, and took the bus.. It was so empty. I felt very lonely. Even the bus driver was out, I was completely alone. So sad... I went to the very back just to take a picture. You see my effort :')

Anyway, I think I wrote a lot.. Hihi. Hope you had fun reading! Outing for New Year, done! :D


  1. wow how were 2 girls able to eat that much O_O haha the food looks good...

    1. Yup! we eat a lot LOLOL the food was pretty good~~ =w= considering we ate that in 4 hours, it's not that hard HAHAHA XD

  2. hahaha I love how you guys rate the restaurants XD the stars are so cute

    1. huehuehue~ We had to rate them... We are very serious about the food we eat! B-) and ikr~ sho cute :'D

  3. Girl at this rate u're going to be xtra preg

    1. Dude.... go awei.. Let my baby alone, it is doing very fine, hmfph

    2. Maybe she's having twins :'D
