Sunday, January 31, 2016


Shared by HaNeul @ H1ME
DAY 31

Okay, now. For real. It's the last day LOL 

It's Sunday, so that's quite convenient? We end this right at the end of a week. Coolios. 

I woke up at like...12? I made myself some waffles and drank tea and watched some videos. I played a teeny-tiny bit of Osu! and ever since then, I've been working on my school assignments. I also edited a very short video yesterday, but forgot to mention it. 

Here it is! :D

It's currently 6:35PM and I already ate dinner. I'm going to continue working on my assignments, take a shower then work more and then go to bed. 

So it's the last day and I don't know how to wrap it up. 

Cya! :D

DAY 30

Aaay the last day! I think? I'm losing it hihi

I spent the day playing League and Ori and the Blind Forest. Just...screw it. School's stressing me so much to the point that I have so much and I need to work on them even on weekends, but yo. Weekends are my only breaks. 

I lack sleep and jesus, these exams. So y'know what? No. Imma sit here. Have fun. Enjoy life.  

Not today. 

Goodnight peeps. Adios. 

DAY 29

Aaayy it's my brother's birthday today! And I had two exams today! And almost no one got to finish one of the exams because we only had 60 minutes to answer 60 multiple choices questions and like 4 short-answer questions. 

Wew. What a day. 

I also ate a cookie. 

And my bro came to pick me up and his friends were in the car and it was awkward because the one next to me fell alseep LOL 

I got home and made myself dinner and played a few hours of Ori and the Blind Forest and yeah!

Also bought some stuff for my cosplay! :)


DAY 28

We-hell lookie here. It's almost the end of January. 

Yeah, I'm tired. I just finished studying for my exams tomorrow. 

School was eh, as always. My English exam went pretty well, pretty smoothly. I finished early and was just sleeping LOL

Welp, goodnight!

DAY 27

Our French teacher was absent today, other than that, nothing happened. 

I got home and made myself a snack and read a book for an exam. Still reading it, actually. 

The book's not that great, but some might enjoy it? It's just not my genre. :/

I still have around 80 pages left, but the exam is tomorrow at last period. Eh. 

I have two other exams friday, too. 

And like, 5 assignments/projects next week. 

Kill me. :)

DAY 26

School was boring, I got home and played League the whole night with some friends since my parents went out B]


School sucks. 


DAY 25

Whoo, Monday is over. I have a math exam tomorrow :/ 

Nothing really happened, I was really tired today. I slept at 1 AM LOL 

I got home and just watched videos and did some calligraphy. Really. That's all. 

School days are usually unpeoductive and boring. :/

DAY 24

I have school tomorrow :( 

I studied for my music exam and played some Ori and the Blind Forest. God, that game is beautiful. 

The graphics are stunning! 

Yeah, my Sundays are usually pretty boring. It's the day before Monday, that's why. 

Anyways, goodnight.

DAY 23

It's Saturday! I had the weirdest, most epic dream ever?? 

We were at war and my friend got severely injured and all I remember was holding this tray with like 5 cups full of blood and this man was laying on the ground. Then he just smiled at me and said "I collected all this blood for your friend, take it." And then people came rushing to him and laid him on a stretcher and there was blood everywhere and they ripped his right sleeve and he had like weird tattoos and all. 

I don't know, weird. 

Anyways, I woke up and ate some food. For some reason, I was curious about my weight, so I measured myself and I lost 4kg. 


All I do is eat, sit back on my chair and game! 


Anyways, that was sorta cool/weird. Then I cleaned my room and took a shower and my brother celebrated his birthday and a bunch of his friends came over. I just stayed in my room and Leagued with some friends. I also did a lot of calligraphy today! 4 pages :D

Man, it was awesome. Rapid Fire Cannon on Kayle is AMAZING. We had this one game against trolls and it was super not-cool, but we won because they suck, so yeah. It was still ogre at the end :D

I laned against a Yasuo once and was talking to my friend and telling how almost every Yasuo main are assholes and it was hilarious. 

Anyways, I'm late. It's 12:03 AM. Oops. Goodnight! 

DAY 22

No school feels amazing!

I woke up thinking I'd be late to meet my friends, but I wasn't. I ate some food and rushed outside to mail my appliance for college and I went to buy a paper pad and some ink cartridges for my amazing calligraphy pen that Erika got me for Christmas B]

Then I went to my friend's house with Erika and another friend and we sang karaoke and ate food while watching a documentary (what a party, amirite?) and yeah! It was really fun and it fely really nice to just not think about school and hang out with friends. 

When I got home, I took a shower and did some calligraphy and then played some League. 

It's currently 11:35PM and I'm out. 'Night!

DAY 21

I don't have school tomorrow! Whoo!

My friend came over today and I played Ori and the Blind Forest while she just laid on my bed LOL She fell asleep haha 

It's currently 11:39PM and I just woke up after falling asleep and realizing I didn't do Every Day. Whoops. 

I'm still technically on time, though. 

I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow, so yeah. That'll be fun. 


DAY 20

Nothing much happened today at school, I got home and fell asleep LOL

I didn't want to, but I guess I just knocked out. Funny thing is, I heard my mom come home but I didn't remember when. Later on, she called me asking me where I was and I answered and said I was in my room. She came in and she was like "WHAT?! I DIDN'T SEE YOU, WHAT THE HECK?!"


I'm currently studying for my exam tomorrow and yeah. You see this right here? Yeah.

They're my tears. 

My salty tears of studying. 


DAY 19

Another day, but still the same. 

School was eh, nothing happened except WE HAVE A POOP TON OF PROJECTS AND EXAMS ;-; 

I applied for college and eurm yeah. Until March, I'll be stressing :) 

I practiced a bit of guitar, played some Osu!, our juicer broke down and my mom got mad at it and my brother's friends came over. 


That is it! Goodnight! 

DAY 18

Aaand it's Monday! :(

I didn't do anything today, literally. Two teachers were absent, I had music twice and yeah. Last period,we watched a movie and then we were allowed to occupy ourselves after.

I chilled after school with a friend and we chatted and when I got home, I just watched videos.

Quite casual, nothing much. I practiced a lot of calligraphy today, though.

I still need to improve.


DAY 17

It's Sunday! Meaning tomorrow is Monday! :D


I have my music exam :/ 

Today, I played some League with some friends, we're actually still in a Skype call and they're hilarious :'D 

I slept at 2 AM, woke up at 11 and did some chores too. Eurm, made myself some food and yeah. It's just 4:43 PM right now, so I haven't really done much. 

I'll practice some guitar after, and eurm...idk read. Do my homework because ay, I'm still a student, sadly. 

See you tomorrow! :D

DAY 16

I slept at 1 AM LOL

I woke up and made myself lunch and eurm yeah. Watched some videos and played Osu! and ate more food. 

That's pretty much all I ever do. Yes, that also means I don't do my homework or stress about school. Hello?! It's the weekend! The only time I have a break! I ain't gonna waste it like that? 

What am I, a tryhard? Pft. 

Goodnight, peeps. 

DAY 15

We're halfway through the month! Sorta! :D

Today is Friday and I did my exams and it's all good and everything's fine until Monday, but ayyyyyyy, yeah. 

My bro drove me home today and I watched some videos and ate food and played some Osu! and now I'm playing League with a friend :) 

That'll be it. 

See ya!

DAY 14

It's almost friday! Not yet, but we're getting there! :D

I finished reading my book and tomorrow, I only have exams for the whole morning. 

I'm currently listening to Teen Top's Ah Ah. I felt like listening to some k-pop today. 

I played a bit of Amnesia: Memories too, but not for long. 

Hmmm...that's about it. 

See ya!

DAY 13

Today was meh, I messed up real bad in gym. We were playing soccer and I nudged the ball towards our goal and the other team scored. Happened twice. The other time I was the goalie and my foot bumped it in >_> 

Mistakes were made, guys... *sigh*

I didn't do anything today. I just felt really sleepy. 

It's currently 8:35PM and I'm just sipping tea while watching Sp4zie. 

I'm going to read a book after then probably go to bed. 

No idea when, though, because hah. Sleep is for the weak. 

See ya.

DAY 12

I fell asleep once today! :D

Why do I always start my Every Days with me telling y'all how much I lack sleep? Odd... =-=

Anyways, I had music class during lunch today and that's about it.

It snowed a heck of a lot today! All fluffy and just SO MUCH.

I was able to bury my boots in the snow! I couldn't stop staring out the window during last period because I was so excited! :D

I got home and made myself some tea and ate a whole bag of shrimp chips LELELEL

I played some Osu! and read a book and helped a friend write an essay and yeah. It's 11:25PM.

Goodnight! :D

DAY 11

It's Monday! Yay! 





I couldn't fall asleep, so I slept at 2AM LOL 

Sooo...hmmm. I'm actually quite surprised that I didn't fall asleep at all today! I admit I was almost about to during last period, but the bell rang! Whoo! 

My friend and I planned on staying after school to play badminton, but she scratched the idea 'cuz she was too tired :/ So I just went home. Then my mom screamed at me 'cuz I didn't call her to tell her I wasn't staying after school? And she went all cray and was like "Wow, we should just cancel your subscription and destroy your phone." But like...she never even said anything about me needing to call her or her coming to pick me up?

Man, I don't know. Moms are complicated and weird. 

It's currently 6:47PM and I didn't do anything. I read on the bus and since I came home, eh. I listened to music, got back into writing in my diary and decided to play with tarot cards. 

I think I'm going to play a bit of guitar and just end it there. 

See ya!

DAY 10

I slept at 3AM today! :D 

I laid down in bed and just did nothing. I watched some videos on Youtube and then I got up, washed up and made myself a sandwhich. 

Then I ate ice cream. B] 

I played some Osu! and recorded one more replay, because why not. 

Here it is! :D 

I then laid on my bed and read a book for like 40 mins then I got lost in my thoughts LOL So I got back up and continued to map a beatmap and hopefully I can finish it soon. 

Mapping songs is so time consuming ;-; 

See you tomorrow! :D


Why is it that everytime I remind myself to do Every Day, I forget? 

...Brain, you had one job. 

And ya screwed up. 

I didn't do much today. I slept at 4AM, got up at 12 something and ate half a pizza LOL

I then made myself some tea and played some Osu! My recorder was being a poop, so I was having some major issues trying to record my replays. 

So yeah, I'm ending the day by reading a book. See you tomorrow!


It's FRIDAY!!! :D

I played some Ori and the Blind Forest annnd that's pretty much it. 

I was dozing off in economy class even in front of the teacher. 

I'm so sorry, teacher ;-;

Idk what to say, so see you guys!



Not me :DDD

Yeah, it was me. 


I didn't fall asleep today. Well, not AS much. We already have exams next week. 

Help me. 

So much to read, so much to do, yet so little time! 

Goodnight :D


Ah, yes. School. It has happened.

I am EXHAUSTED. My body still isn't okay with waking up at 6:30AM. Nope. 

Plus, my dad woke me up at 1AM? And then I couldn't sleep until 4AM? D: 

Still, we didn't do much. 

I did fall asleep a lot, though. 

Nap time, see you guys!


Hello everyone! Today is the last day of our winter break :(

I admit that it kinda sucks...time passes by so quickly. It's already been 2 weeks! 

I don't want to go back to school. 

But I need to. 

Urgh, I'm just going to continue and play Ori and the Blind Forest. 

See you guys tomorrow.


I stayed home today and finished editing the New Year's video. 
I was unable to finish it yesterday, so I stopped at around 11:30PM.

It's currently 4:22PM and I'm going to have hot pot for supper. Then going to the doctor.

Whoopdy-doo. I hate doctors. 

School is starting soon and I'm really not ready. God, I'm starting to hate it even more. 
No idea why. 

I didn't really play any games today, I didn't feel like it. 
I felt like Leaguing, but eh. League has become such a salty community, I always tilt. 

The game's still great, but people ruin it. Either they're bad or their attitude is just horrible. 
I played this 74 mins game as Vel'Koz and my teammates just wouldn't push! We had so many opportunities! They fed Veigar 30 kills! I was the only one that zoned him out and killed him. 

They were just everywhere. We had a baron fight and no one tried to push mid and get the inhibitor. I had to do it alone. We won after several ping spams :D *cries on the inside* 

I've mainly been bored out of my life because I'm procrastinating on working on my cosplay and Cry's been having major issues with Youtube, so he hasn't uploaded in a long time. 

Anyways, see you guys.


Today, I went to a friend's house. We cooked food and then lazed around playing Seasons. 
It's a great game btw. 

Erika came over too, but she was late. As usual. 
We then decided to make some food buuuut that didn't happen. 
We opened the karaoke machine and sang :D 

I am currently editing some videos. 

Will upload the New Year video soon!


It's totally now 11:59PM and I totally didn't forget to do Every Day oooh no of course not, what are you talking about! :D I even told myself a few hours earlier not to forget. :/

All I did was play video games today, so that was pretty productive. I started Ori and the Blind Forest and gosh, that game is soooo pretty. 

Here's some screenshots because this game is just amazing. 

And that is a wrap. See you guys tomorrow! 


What is up everyone it's Tear! :D I hope you had a great day celebrating this new year and yes, I'm in charge of doing Every Day this month. Whoo. 

Today was pretty chill, I slept at 6AM because haha! (Kill me.) 

The H1ME crew went out to eat, but because we're soooo organized (no) we couldn't find any restos that were open. So we went to downtown and ate some food at 5000 years, a Japanese/Korean restaurant. 

Here's so cool-ass food porn shots :D

Later that night, I went to eat some fancy food with my family. I didn't eat much because I was already full from that feasting up there. It's currently 7:46PM and I'm going to edit my New Year video that I recorded with some friends and then go to bed. 

*inserts self-promotion* You can visit my stupid Youtube channel here

See you guys tomorrow. 

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