Sunday, March 27, 2016


Shared by Erika@ H1ME

DAY 31


Woke up at 12:10pm today (kind of proud to be honest. But then I also slept at 3am so meh) Ate lunch, watched some videos on my phone and then see the post office truck outside and a lady running to each house with slips instead of packages (since it was raining I guess.). Man that lady made me go get that hella heavy package with my mom and heck. I almost broke my back HAHAHAHA.

Came back home to fill out some papers and eat and allllll. Now I am writing the last uneventful every day update hihi. Sorry for not posting many pictures in this post but ykno. I'm lazy :')


DAY 30


I woke up at around 11:20? LING GOT ME BREAKFAST!!! THANKIES
We then filmed a few videos for the channel and just lounged around until 6pm honhon. I then ate dinner but you see. It's 10PM now and I want to eat eggs.......... Maybe I'm going to make myself a scrambled egg (or hard boiled, who knows) in a bit. Still pondering. LEL

Update: I made myself an omelet with only 1 egg so my craving hasn't been satisfied yet. But I washed the dishes already :(


DAY 29


Anyway! I actually took the time to do my makeup today (woohoo A for effort), went out to my friend's house at around 1? Got there at 1:40 or something AND for the first time, I got there before Haneul did hohohoho. Don't y'all wanna see more of our adorable Haneul? XDD

We made food, which turned out bleh because we didn't have eggs ;-;, we ate then we went out to a meeting! That meeting ended at 9:30 and let me tell you. IT WAS A CATASTROPHE. urg.

Meh. 'tis all for today! Seeeee yaaaaaaaa

DAY 28

Hey peeps. How y'all doin XD

I got woken up this morning at 8:50am (which I consider quite early) and it was hella gloomy outside (still is) It's actually pouring LOL. I started to watch OFD and oh my. The boys are so flippin cute hihihihihihi.

Went to eat with my brother, then went to Costco with my mom and man. The weather made me quite :| but meh.

Came back home, took a nap and of course. Spend the rest of the day on my laptop and phone

Anyway~ Hope y'all had a more eventful day than I did!!

DAY 27

Hey there everyone! I fell asleep before I could update this sorryyyyy!!!!

So today, it's Easter. And know that I am not doing anything. (Since I'm an atheist yuh)

I spent my day away just shopping online HAHAHAHAHAHA. I realized that I really need money :( #BrokeLife

and yup. end of the dayyyy.

(wow my life is even more uneventful on break LOL)

DAY 26

I went to open a new bank account!!! and I got 2 plant cubes. that bank is weird HAHAHAHAHA. (but really nice)

Then, I went to meet up with Ling. We were supposed to film today but due to some unexpected situation, we had to cancel the filming session and move it to another day sorry u.u)

Came back home at around 6:30pm? watched DOTS and am now updating this hihi


DAY 25

I have slept all day (thus forgetting about this hihi)

I slept until ~2pm? I aspire to hibernate at some point in my life (not die)! #ambitions

And as "healthy" as I can get, I ate an omelet for lunch, and an avocado for dinner #wow


Anyway. on to the next day!!! BYEEE

DAY 24

Today is officially the start of relaxation days. So I came home from school and literally just spent my hours away on the internet. Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, EVERYTHING.

I totally forgot how great it was to not have to rush/study anything.


Side note: I feel extra sleepy today .-.

I think this is the shortest one I've written so far this month LOLOLOL. BYEEE

DAY 23

I forgot to update this because of an essay I was rushing an essay OTL. But hey. At least I finished it XD

I pretty much just studied and worked on my essay today so yeh.

I think today's update will be quite short LOL

I made kimchi fried rice for myself honhonhon.

Soooo that's it for today!! See y'all later!!

DAY 22



Mmmmmmh. School of course. I think I should just stop writing everyday "school". It makes me sad HAHAHAHHA. But don't worry y'all. School is going to be over this week (or next week?).

I heard about the tragedy in Brussels this morning. My heart goes out to all the affected people.

I am studying for my math exam tomorrow. Let's just say (AGAIN) that I absolutely SUCK at math. And I don't understand much. yes thank you.

Also I really like avocados (not alone though) wow yum. LOL. Mmmmmmmmh I pretty much just studied today OTL. #UneventfulLife

Hopefully I can bring you peeps better content next week!!!! See yaaa!

DAY 21

Hey there y'all~ So I noticed a few days ago that there was a lot more Polish readers? (surprisingly) And I was just curious as to what's so interesting about my daily updates? [Please answer me in the comments or something! I'm genuinely curious]

Moving onto my day, this morning was really hard for me to wake up. URG. Mornings. I then went to school as usual, kind of fell asleep in class and you know. the usual boring things!

Came back home and made myself some ddeokbokki again! On a side note, if any of you are considering/tempted to buy a nutrition bar called "The Simply Bar", I shall warn you that the texture is "like dust" according to my brother since I can't find another way to describe it. I mean, sure it keeps you full for a long time and is good for you. BUT, as you chew it, it just disintegrates like wow what the heck. So yeah. Be aware of that.

OH and I got a really extremely important letter today and geez I'm so happy!!!

I have been studying for a while now. So time to go to sleep! Bye people!

DAY 20

Well well well. Today is Sunday. AKA stay at home and study.

I don't like Sundays that much (sure like it more than Mondays though) since I have to study and am forbidden from going out :(

I don't even think my studying was efficient. Because honestly, I can't concentrate enough to study hard. (It's kind of very inconvenient and sad I know.)

Let's just say I procrastinated like 30% of the time (not too bad eh)

Welp. I shall go to sleep before I can't wake up tomorrow morning u_u

DAY 19

Don't you love how people ignore some others' birthday? :')

Anyway! I got a phone case today!!!! Now I'm just missing a screen protector :D

Hung out with Ling and Sandy today (mainly to help Ling finish her assignment) and of course Sandy left us early :(.

We then went for food (which will be posted later in the week). And as usual, we hung out at NosThés for a good 3 hours. I got home at ~7pm, which isn't too bad!

Then showered, spent time on the internet and all~~ And yup. That's it~! See ya!

[Visibly I forgot to do this hihi]

DAY 18

I almost forgot to update this but HERE I AMMMM!!

So as usual, I went to school, then went grocery shopping with my mom AND I GOT A NEW PHONE (FINALLY) :DDDDDD

And since then I have been setting everything up and looking up cases and all that poop! I also watched a few videos on Youtube and yeah end of the day! XD


DAY 17


1- School. of course.

2- came back home and it started to rain REALLY HARD??

2.5- it smelled like summer rain. Does anyone understand me??? Rain smells different in different seasons okay. Today, it smelled like summer. (please don't judge me LOL)

3- Got home, took a nap

4- Ate supper

5- Surf the internet (because no homework mouhahahahaha)

6- the end~


DAY 16

Hey everyone!

Today is March 16th (I don't know why I felt like writing the date hihi) 

I attended class, went to a play with Haneul and came back home at around 5? To find Ling in my home, not expecting me to come back (I guess my text misled her but yeah) We then chatted a bit, as always, and then I walked her to the metro and she left honhon.

After that, I came back home, ate, showered, FIXED THAT RUINED NAIL FROM YESTERDAY and am now surfing the net!

Little info on that play I saw today, it's some kind of folk french play and it was pretty dark.... (but very aesthetically pleasing and the actors were great!) If any of you are interested in watching it or read it, it's called "En Attendant Godot". It's really deep and dark but hella interesting!!!! 

Anyway. Tis the end of my day~ see y'all tomorrow!!

DAY 15


Today... what did I do..... the usual I guess? except for the fact that I was late for class so I had to run up 5 floors in less than 1:30mins (Yes I'm very impressed) 

When I came back home, I had to eat something before going to a meeting and as I was eating I just felt like doing my nails? (It wasn't a good idea) So I started to do my nails as I was eating. HOWEVER. I forgot that I didn't have socks on yet. Anyone out there who has done her nails and having to put on anything with tacky nail polish knows the struggle. I realistically struggled for 2 minutes - but it felt like an hour - putting on my socks with one finger (the only really dry one, or so I thought) I ended up still ruining it OTL.

Went to the meeting and came back at 10:30pm, took a shower and went straight to sleep. (ofc forgetting to update this! sorry peeps)

DAY 14

Hey people.

Does it ever happen to you; DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. It makes me into a zombie EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like, technically, I am still sleeping the same amount of hours as usual but WHAT.

MY ORDER OF COSMETICS GOT SHIPPED 2 DAYS AGO (yeah I haven't checked my e-mail for a while) AND I'M SO EXCITED WOOOOOOOOO.

So right now I am procrastinating my studies for my exam tomorrow (why do I feel like I say I need to study EVERY DAY). And truth to be told, I'm screwed. But the exam today went okay (except for the fact that I missed a few answers). 

I think I'm going to start my diet soon hm. 

Bye peeps. Off to studyyy!!

DAY 13

I'm dead everyone.

I have an exam tomorrow and apparently the substitute teacher screwed up and didn't tell us about all the EXTRA things there is to study.

I have been studying all day......................... (technically my day wasn't really long since i got out of bed at 2pm LOL BUT STILL.) 

Hopefully, I have more to write tomorrow everyone! BYEEEE I'M OFF TO STUDY AGAIN.

DAY 12


Okay side-note: Blogger hates me very much and now my cursor isn't appearing so I'm not really sure where I'm typing.


Alright. So this morning, Ling came into my house without me knowing, which is totally desirable LOL. We then went to get some Indian food at this new restaurant in downtown (the food post will be up during the week! and if you haven't been following our blog, we're doing #52WeeksOfFood2k16 so yes follow our blog and look forward to many food posts that will make you drool - or not.) Let's just say that I'M EXTREMELY BAD WITH SPICY. And this meal has made me regret. 

We went to our old-school bubble tea place, Formosa and got ourselves some iced tea and milk tea! (can you guess who got the milk tea?)

After that, we went to walk off that huge meal in 2 drugstores and basically touched everything HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA but it's okay I bought a few things so #NotFeelingTooGuilty. Then, we went to nosthés to chillax and yeah (we should seriously be sponsored by nosthés damn LELELELELEL)

(Q of the day: If you were rich where would you go to spend your money?)

I came back home at around 7:30pm, ate dinner at 10:00pm and watched an episode of a kdrama. I am now about to go to sleep so see y'all tmr! ;D

DAY 11


TODAY IS FRIDAY. FINALLY. (I totally accidentally wrote FRIEDAY yeah no I wish I had fries today)

So. I spent most of my time writing an appreciation for this artwork I don't even know why. Other than thatttttttt. I ACED MY EXAM (I THINK. I HOPE.) Other than that..... oh. I went to school. 


I wish I was sleeping right now but I haven't even showered yet. sadnis. Today was probably the most uneventful. Goodbye y'all!

DAY 10

Hey everyone! 

Today is the day I officially feel old (does a specific day really make me feel older? I don't know. But probably something psychological there).  

Ofc, went to school, came back and have been working on prep work for tomorrow's exam OTL (yes again exams!!!!) Thank god an exam has been bumped to Monday instead.

Anyway, I still have a lot to do so wish me luck in my not-much-sleeping evening! BYYE.


Sadly, I couldn't get home early because of class but yes. Still my bday :'D 

When I got home, Ling was waiting downstairs, just laying there on the sofa, and had a "surprise" for me in my room......... (which I don't have a picture of) She blew up balloons and also some of those long balloons? and made some abstract things including what she calls a crown but yeah.... 

After I saw the embarrassing mess in my room, we went out to eat, my mom, Ling and I :D. We ate a bit too much and yes. Didn't end up eating the Zeppole Ling got for me... u-u

Today was a long day with a lot of "Happy Birthday" and a lot of singing today HAHAHAHHA.


Hey there!
Today is the last day I'm going to be 18. Now I feel sad (old too). 
 I should have totally done something more WOOOOHOOOO today but nope. My schedule did not allow any of that. sigh... 

So what did I even do today? GO TO SCHOOL. (unfortunately) And then I came back home to eat a bit, and then had to go back out to a meeting from 6:30pm to 8:00pm (which I was late to, oops.) I got back home at 8:53pm, took a shower #clean and have been doing my homework until now! 

Wow I seriously have a sad life HAHAHAHAHA. Watch, in 3~4 years I'm going to come back here and stalk my old self. It's going to be weird. 

See y'all tomorrow!

DAY 7 

Today was hell.

It was my back to school day OTL. On the bright side, it was warm today!! :D But it caused A LOT of #MotherNaturePonds #DIY LOL

 Therefore, if you're planning on visiting Canada in March, please be prepared with some waterproof boots LOL.

Other than that, I just attended school and now I'm just doing my homework (yes I'm actually doing my homework)... Nothing really eventful (when is my life ever eventful? My birthday maybe? X'D)


Welcome to my boring life!

I spent the entire day home OTL. So as usual, I woke up late, 12:08pm #proud. All I did today is plan my days and days off since I'm going back to school tomorrow (AKA from now on it might be even more uneventful LOL.)

I made ddeokbokki today!!!!!! Although, we got ddeokbokki friday, I still had to make some for my brother today (surprise for those who haven't been following us for a long time; I have an older brother).
First picture of the updates!!!!
I hope y'all aren't reading this with an empty stomach (JK)! ;D

Welp. That's all I did today? So see y'all tmr!

DAY 5 

~NOTE~ Ling is mad at me because I forgot to do this. (oops)

SO WHAT DID I DOOOOO. ummm.. I woke up at 11:36, had breakfast with my mom (probably her lunch) at 12:40? then we went grocery shoppingggggggg (to be honest today was quite uneventful I don't really know what to say XD)

Usually, I'd hang out with Ling, have lunch and all but hey folks. Ling is dying studying (yeah right. If she is studying that is XD), attending a tutorial and being a university student. hihi

Thus it was my "mommy hang-out" day ;D It was quite fun since I got to pick up some really useless things honhonhon. 

Anywayy. I went to sleep at 2:11am, just wasting my time on my phone ykno. Like everyone else?


Hey there~

Here is my update for y'all~
I got woken up at 8:43am by a phone call, went back to sleep, woke up at 10 something to find out that Ling bought the Carat membership (what a surprise). Later, she came over (AGAIN) and we went out to grab lunch!!!

After that, we went to walk around in a Shoppers for a good hour? We then went back home and chilled-out until 6pm or so. Ling went back home to "study" (hopefully she studied) for her upcoming exams! #GoodLuckLing 

I shopped for stuffs online for a good 3 hours (shopping for my birthday gift honhon). And here I am, now, writing my update~!


Hello y'all.

Today was eventfully uneventful OTL.

I basically wasted my day away in the ER. My dad hurt his back earlier and I had to go to the hospital with him (12:37pm) and we basically spent the entire day there. We left the hospital at 9:28pm. NOT COOL. And so I didn't eat today until 10:56pm (time we got home, since there was traffic). Thank goodness I had my portable battery with me or else I wouldn't have survived ;-;

That was my day peeps. Hope your day was better than mine! 

DAY 2 

Hey fellow stalkers!
JK I'm no stalker O:)

SO WHAT DID I DO TODAY!!!!! Nothing. Ling (I was going to write Anabelle) came over and just chilled #unproductive. But hey. I attempted this pork chop cheese recipe and it was successful-ish? It was okay good but not as good as I anticipated it to be :'(

As always Ling left at around 6pm? She said she was going to leave early today but visibly, that never happens. After that, everything was the normal routine, eat, shower and spend time on the internet - and still forget to do my EVERY DAY.

I'M WATCHING DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN, NOW. ANY FELLOW VIEWERS OUT THERE? Are your kokoros all okay? 'cause not mine v-v

Welp goodnight stalkers! See y'all tomorrow~ ^^


Hello everybody. It's been a while since y'all stalked my daily life! Welcome back? 
So. I woke up at 10:43 today, panicked a little because I was expecting a friend over at 11:00. She came over - and it's really been a while since i have had a friend come over normally, ykno? WITHOUT A KEY? - and we left together to shop!!

I literally just ate and shopped all day today. I have walked 18 798 steps as of 10:20pm!!!! I am quite impressed. Another thing that impressed me today is the fact that I held back on buying shoes. THAT is a shocker. HOWEVER. I did spend quite a lot on food today u_u went back to the schlouppe ramen place #tasty. Also, I realized that I needed to diet soon (aka promise I made to myself a while back). ANYWAYYYYY, today was great for me, very fun and therapeutic :D 

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